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Old IceOp 5.2-5.3 feature Cams auto open and sorting

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  • #192606

    I am currently looking for the old IceOp 5.2 – 5.3 features that Auto open cams when they come in the room. Since IceOp is no longer available I would like some one to create a program that would auto open the cams of friends from the buddy list and other friends that can be added on a list.

    That feature of the old IceOp was very handy and it also sorted the cams by the name and other criteria. I would also like it to fill in the cams in a certain area of the screen so it will not block any important windows already open like the CamFrog op tool and the CamFrog IM window but fill in the spaces with out it opening cams on top of other cams. I did find the old IceOp 5.2-5.3 but it did not want to install cause it is so out of date with the current windows 8.1

    Could some one make up a program that would handle all them features with the auto open cams and auto sort the cams by the area on the screen and auto resize the cams to a certain size even a size in between the regular camfrog sizes of cam?

    I know that you are mainly Paltalk programs but could some one do some more work on camfrog programs too since Paltalk took over camfrog?


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