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get all room nicknames

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  • #190617


    here i’m in try the vb 😥

    anyway i download the source code of program founded in the below link

    this is the soruce

    how to get names in paltalk room to a listbox?

    i modified the code to work with pal 11.2 B545

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim i As Integer
    'Empty the listbox
    'Get listview handle
    ' Dim iHnd As IntPtr = mdlHnd.GetChild(ChatRoomClass, Me.CtrlRoomSelector1.RoomName, "ATL:00A1AED0", NicListIndex)
    Dim iHnd As IntPtr = mdlHnd.GetChild("DlgGroupChat Window Class", "SplitterWindowEx", "SplitterWindowEx", NicListIndex)
    Debug.Print(iHnd) ' For testing
    Dim iHnd2 As IntPtr = mdlHnd.GetChild(iHnd, "SplitterWindowEx", "SplitterWindowEx", NicListIndex)
    Debug.Print(iHnd2) ' For testing
    Dim iHnd3 As IntPtr = mdlHnd.GetChild(iHnd2, "SplitterWindowEx", "SplitterWindowEx", NicListIndex)
    Debug.Print(iHnd3) ' For testing
    Dim iHnd4 As IntPtr = mdlHnd.GetChild(iHnd3, "ClassCPaneContainerEx", NicListIndex)
    Debug.Print(iHnd4) ' For testing
    Dim iHndX As IntPtr = mdlHnd.GetChild(iHnd4, "ATL:00AD6100", "ATL:00AD6190", NicListIndex)
    Debug.Print(iHndX) ' For testing
    'Add nics to a listbox
    If iHndX <> IntPtr.Zero Then
    Dim NicArray() As String = mdlSysListView.GetAllSLVItems(iHnd)
    For i = 0 To NicArray.Length - 1
    ListBox1.Items.Insert(0, "Total # of Nics in room is - " & ListBox1.Items.Count)
    End If
    End Sub
    End Class

    but still i cant get the nicknames 🙁


    And the rest of the code we need to guess I suppose?
    Nor you say what does not work exactly.
    And for 545 you need your program to run as administrator.


    i edit the code again

    now i can get only the nickname for the one on the mic talk ❓

    i need all the nickname on the room

    but it’s awesome to have the nickname for the one in the mic now i have an idea to took advantage form this 🙂

    the code attached

    please advice


    @Chike wrote:

    And the rest of the code we need to guess I suppose?
    Nor you say what does not work exactly.
    And for 545 you need your program to run as administrator.

    Why you hate me dude

    Actually i’m in love with you hhhhhhhhhhh 🙂


    @AbdulrhmanMJ wrote:

    @Chike wrote:

    And the rest of the code we need to guess I suppose?
    Nor you say what does not work exactly.
    And for 545 you need your program to run as administrator.

    Why you hate me dude

    Actually i’m in love with you hhhhhhhhhhh 🙂

    If I was hating you wouldn’t be able to post this.
    We simply not going to debug your code for you, debug your code yourself.
    Ask spesific not general questions.


    @Chike wrote:

    @AbdulrhmanMJ wrote:

    @Chike wrote:

    And the rest of the code we need to guess I suppose?
    Nor you say what does not work exactly.
    And for 545 you need your program to run as administrator.

    Why you hate me dude

    Actually i’m in love with you hhhhhhhhhhh 🙂

    If I was hating you wouldn’t be able to post this.
    We simply not going to debug your code for you, debug your code yourself.
    Ask spesific not general questions.

    not debug,

    my question why i’m getting only one nickname for the one in the mic not all the nicknames on the room ?

    i just ask to look on it see whats wrong in the code

    and advice me, that’s the goal form this board to share our knowledge, may i right ?

    sorry for the prolongation.


    @AbdulrhmanMJ wrote:

    i just ask to look on it see whats wrong in the code.

    Exactly what I’m talking about, not gonna happen.
    You debug your code, if you have a specific question about a line or block of code that dosen’t work ask.

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