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Paltalk Triviabot Beta For testing

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  • #180481

    Ok peeps check this program I am working on is a triva bot for the new paltalk 8. This is just a beta version lol still working on it.

    For those that dont know is a paltalk game base on answers and questions,

    Ok first this comands that people can type in the room, are very importtant so learn them 🙂

    For team game

    team red! with this command you will be enter to team red,
    team blue! with this command you will be enter to team blue.
    h-score! with this command you can find the current highest score between the two teams. it will messge it to the room.
    t-red score! this will get the current team red score and send a messege with it to the room
    t-blue score! this wil send the team blue score to the room.
    l-q! will send the last question to the room

    For individual game

    h-score! will send the messge with the player with the highest score to the room.
    get U-S! nick will send the score of the nick
    l-q! will send the last question to the room

    How to use the program in basic .
    1- click on the edit button to create a question answer file, save it and remember where u put it.
    2- now choose whether this will be a individual or team game.
    3-Click on the load button to load the question/ans file you created.
    4- choose the style of the question to be send, how its going to look, important do this before the game start, okie 🙂
    5-Click on connect button to connect to room u in.
    6- press start button, thas it.

    how to use it in timer.

    oke do steps 1-5 of the basic
    then enter the minutes or second you want the game to last
    then press start game timer
    thas it 🙂

    how to use it in max score.
    oke do steps 1-5 of the basic
    enter the max point in the box, so the game will stop once that max score is reach.
    then click on the start button next to it okie.
    thas it lol.

    Please guys if u have any bugs please report them here,
    Tell me what paltlak u using what windows, and if u get a pop up error too 🙂


    well i been working the hell out of the code, got a greeter added to it to, the crazy thing is i had pt 8, tried to instyall pt 7 in the same directory b accident, now its like both versions in one, when u open it in the start5 menu, it says pt 7 not responding, but when u open it, its a mix of 7 n eight, ao this is the only version that works for me lol…dont know what version u made it for but it works great, im working with adding hint, like do prepleace command, then when they do hint be liike, texthint.text = text1.text (gets question text to another text box), then in the process do praplace a with * e with * i with *, just some random variables with * so it gives the hint, may not be the best code but it works…


    Damn that sounds nice when will it be out 🙂


    i have been beta testing all day, it seems that the code is working perfectly, it just has an error when you on a dial up connection,t hat the program will stop without notice, i have also noticed that sometiems when the game is over, you can load more qquestions but they will not send to the room, the game will not start, i have to work on this so i may have it out within 3 days, it deoends on how much toime i soend at my dads house, their i have a better connection and i also have vb their lol.


    aigh keep on 🙂

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