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How to make a paltalk program work all paltalk Versions?

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  • #189756

    Hey people this what I am wondering, how can I make a paltalk program work for all paltalk versions, This mostly affects the programs with chatsend function on them, for example this is the line we changing right now every time paltalk upgrades

    atld = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "atl:004d0600", vbNullString)

    So can something like this be done where you put the line code for each paltalk version one after another like this

    atld = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "atl:004d0600", vbNullString)
    atld = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "atl:004d6640", vbNullString)

    And on the top of the command put like

    On Error Resume Next

    UDG Clan

    i dont think thats how you do it


    The thing that you need to do is like in my programs.

    I’ve made PalSet.exe that you run and detect you object class
    it will update the information in you program.

    Very easy to do.


    🙂 okie let me check on that, any tips u can give us

    like would it be some sort of exe file that will enter something to your registry or somehow update the program



    That exactly what my PalSet.exe does. 😀

    Project SP

    therez alots of ways to find the child of the wtlsplitterwindow parent
    usin gw_child i guess. dono 😕
    but u can also use the “vbnullstring” inplace of the “alt:______”

    anything = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, vbNullString, vbNullString)

    Aigh guys thanks I check on those lol everyday I learn new things 🙂


    interesting subject the best way i know how to overcome the paltalk version problem is to make it a wildcard :O)

    Public Function FindWindowWild(sWild As String, Optional bMatchCase As Boolean = True) As Long
    sPattern = sWild
    If Not bMatchCase Then sPattern = UCase(sPattern)
    EnumWindows AddressOf EnumWinProc, bMatchCase
    FindWindowWild = hFind
    End Function

    This is what i used in older paltalk versions, I have’nt really looked into the new paltalk 7 as i have’nt been on paltalk for a long time


    🙂 nice code there i will try out in one of my programs, cause is crazy always updating the programs 🙂


    if you switched its to proto then you dont have to worry about chat sends that way, whoever has the proto dll that is making chat programs for pal, you can use that.

    You would actually login the program to paltalk and wouldnt need paltalk up at all just do direct sends through protocol into room, then you would only have to update when they change there protocol or server side software.


    damn that would be great, but u think is posible, i mean to send messeges without actually bein in paltalk


    yea used to make proto for yahoo, but there was a vinky.dll he had all the proto stuff in there already so everyone used his dll. but yea its easy to do hard part is the dll, if there are any programs that can actually login to paltalk then they have a dll to read the proto


    Aigh thas something cool to check on 🙂


    Okay this is an example to send text to anypaltalk version…well not any but i have included versions 553, version 7 and version 8, you could add to this or simple just use the .bas with any of your programs to send text to the correct version of paltalk

    Please people send feed back and idea’s , if all work together on ideas im sure
    future programs will benifit.


    hey but u have to choose the option, is there anyway u can make it auto, without chooseing the option to which paltalk u have at that time,

    🙂 if its posible

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