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  • #191060

    @autopilot wrote:

    @antigeek wrote:

    I had some kiddie try to comment on my post.. To make me look stupid… I should had just left it be..

    yep you should have. first i’m not a kiddie and your own post makes you look stupid all on its own. no one else needed to post to make you look stupid.

    LAWL yea I’m making my self look stupid if I do it so well why you keep posting toward me? Can you explain to me where in any of my comment made me look stupid?


    @Chike wrote:

    Ah yeah you’re not using “API” you are using a framework, big difference.

    The fact one knows how to write a line of code does not negat the possibility of him being an idiot.

    Honestly bro not really worried about it… I had some kiddie try to comment on my post.. To make me look stupid… I should had just left it be..


    @autopilot wrote:

    @deeva2 wrote:

    I dont think the API is to crack paltalk..

    The Windows API can be used to try to crack applications, but that is not the only use. The Windows API is what programs use to function. When you add a control or object (such as a text box) to your program, you do not code how that control or object works as that has already been done, you just use it. But that control has been built using windows APIs.

    @antigeek wrote:

    I drop the API, Now I’m just logging into Paltalk using a bot No need for API

    This is just laughable. They try to claim that they dropped using the Windows API and instead used a bot and were able to hack the pal servers. A bot is a program and not a replacement for API. Basicly when they say that they gave up API for bot, they are saying that they let others do the programming for them and they are just using someone elses coding work. But that still would not allow them to hack the pal servers.

    It is idiots like this that I try to just ignore because it is so obvious that they have no clue about what they are doing.

    I’m a idiot? lmao Yea I have no clue what I’m doing Your right, why pal service header is 6 bytes long? Haha Trust me kiddie I’m not using api to do shit with paltalk…Here just a small little pm packet to show I don’t know what I’m doing and that I’m a idiot..

    private static string pmUser(userId as string, message as string)
    string len = Encoding.Default.GetString(new byte[] { (byte)(message.Length / 0x100), (byte)(message.Length % 0x100) });
    StringBuilder packetBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    packetBuilder.Append("/xFF/xEC/0/x76"); //Header = FF Payload type = EC Version = 76
    packetBuilder.Append(len); //Pm Payload Length
    packetBuilder.Append(userid); //user uid
    packetbuilder.Append(message); //message of the pm
    string str = packetBuilder.ToString();
    return str;

    @Admin wrote:

    OMG you r so rude lol but you straight up I like that 🙂
    And antigeek if you here long enough you gonna learn to love chike he is a cool dude he just have a funny way of telling people things including me hehehe but I still love him 😀

    I really wouldn’t consider him as a cool person… First all he thinking he some kind of coder god when it coming to API… I drop the API, Now I’m just logging into Paltalk using a bot No need for API. Paltalk service was pretty easy to crack… Have fun guys using API…


    Another thing, If you want to use rich text box to send. You have to change..

    private static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int wMsg, IntPtr wParam, string lParam);


    [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SendMessageW")]
    private static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int wMsg, IntPtr wParam, string lParam);

    So it will send the Rtb raw code right….


    Honestly you don’t have to be a dick about it… Since I Figure it out But I figure it out with a little bit of ready on how to use spy++ Thanks for your none help… Have a nice day…


    @Chike wrote:

    @antigeek wrote:

    I notice on the newer build get users not working… Given error… Anyone else getting this error?

    Have you realized there is a search feature on the forum or that you can actually debug it yourself or are you just looking for the answer to be fed to you?

    You’ve ask me if I realized if there a search feature yes of course I do… I’m not so good with api… Is all I’m saying I’ve search the forum I seen nothing about it I seen someone asking for grabbing room list but not the userlist


    I notice on the newer build get users not working… Given error… Anyone else getting this error?

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