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Reply To: QUICK BOUNCER for All Pals


Hey TVK Soft,

Thnx mate for ur re-action and specially for ur the Fast Bouncer with no Ads once again.
You proved to be great programmer and a great guy as all this nice pieps ( Loco, Departure, DOdy And all others).

I know that you spend alot of time making this programs and i am sure it costs much time and energy to make such programs. I know you deserve some donation for ur hard work. but guess what:

I am sure that almost 80% of ppl in Europe and more then 90% of ppl in Asia dont have Credit card, Master card etc. That is why it is always difficult for them to donate or to pay for someone or something and to buy things on Internet. And as u know NOT everybody is living in USA or Canada And england. That is why i dont know how much u successed getting some donation for you great programs from the ppl on web?? I am afraid VERY LESSS..

I Remember that two or three years ago, PT_KING used to make fantastic programs and i loved to visit his site and to use his programs. But he start acting commercial and made alot of restriction for ppl in his site and for getting his programs. And now you see that almost nobody joins his site and there is nothing interesting in his site. That is why that i hope that you dont do like them.
If you are a best programmer, u dont need alot of ppl to know you. You can programs and test it. When u will prove that u r a great programmer, you need only one person to use ur talent and make ur life good. And i am sure that most of paltal users will use ur programs with that advertisement and many ppl may see ur site. But they dont appreciat ur work and they are too stupid to understand ur talent.

I am not saying all this, cuz of having some free programs from u .. NO way 🙁

But We want to be unique in paltalk and we want to use unique and lovely programs. Imagine if everybody will have ur AUtogreeter and every body will turn that program on in someone room?? What would the room look like??

Anyways i wrote alot, hope u wont mind me