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Re: Re: Install any paltalk COlor


@NT-Sydney wrote:

Dear PPL: to Install any paltalk COlor
All U need this Download da PTX files from da LINK and ANSWER da question , IF cant not ANS juz Try tills u get these 7 ANS below. And PLIZ it is all da same, ANS da QUESTION to Install , and iF any 1 of u Been USING da PTX705 and da Times Changed , pliz CHange Back to it Original Correct Times.

1st letter begin wif capital(case sensitive)
(Hints Answer exactly as i ANS case/space sensitive)

1)Yêu Online Goi La` gi`?
ANS: Tinh Yeu Online

2) Dan Giang Ho trong room Giang Ho lam gi ?
A: Xam / No / Khung Bo

(one of those answer due to they changes da answer )

3) Vao PalTalk Help gap thang khung nao?
A: Thang30

4) PalTalk Sap Dep Tiem Chua ??
A: Roi

5) hinh con cho viet lam sao ?
A: >Anh8>Anh4

6)Quan He Voi Tui Khung Bo PalTalk va Binladen ra sao?
A: Ba Con

7) Ai Lam Giau Cho tui PalTalk ?
A: Nguoi Viet

here you go if the question are no the same .. then install paltalk colour and save it keep open and close till you get same question and answer 🙄