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David’s Trivia Bot for Paltalk for Desktop

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  • #199719

    I wrote this bot over 10 years ago and lately updated it because of a couple of requests of users.
    This bot is 2 programs. One program reads and writes to the Paltalk room, and the other program is the Trivia bot that runs the Trivia.
    <trivia bot> <====> <readroom bot> <====> <Paltalk room>
    I run a version of these bots in my own Trivia room (Oracle Trivia runs the big brother) and ReadRoom especially seems pretty stable. The only downside is the room selection in ReadRoom seems a little flaky and you might need to bring your room to the forefront to get it to appear in the room list combo box.
    Along with this being 2 programs there are 2 pieces of documentation too.
    I include a few thousand trivia questions but really you should add your own.

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