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ghostriderofthenite Ultimate Bot project

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  • #95938

    fixed all game links work on trivia working next


    possible loop code for trivia not sure
    con.Open _
    “Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;” & _
    “Data Source=” & App.Path & “\Books.mdb;” & _
    “Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=4;”
    ‘Are “A” and “B” stored Views?
    rs1.Open “A”, con, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic, adCmdTableDirect
    ‘Make sure, Query “B” returns Matching_Criteria=”UnMatched”
    ‘SELECT ID, Description, “UnMatched” As Matching_Criteria FROM MyTableB ORDER BY ID
    ‘The “UnMatched”-Value corresponds to the Field-Position of Matching_Criteria, in this Case Column 3 (resp. Field(2) in the Fields-Collection)
    rs2.Open “B”, con, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic, adCmdTableDirect

    Do While Not rs1.EOF
    Do While Not rs2.EOF
    If rs1(“ID”).Value = rs2(“ID”).Value Then
    With rs2
    !Matching_Criteria = “Matched”
    End With
    Exit Do
    End If


    new version11 with screen size fixed min and max and all games working smooth


    that works pretty nice so far just cant do anything wid it but game links and music links all work nothing in chat room hahahah


    wonder if and when this is working fully working as it uses current user login info to join , will allow users using new palcrap use it ?very nice by the way Thank You ALL The Help so Far


    i’m Thinking here needs to be code to loop thru questions and answers from the adodc file
    Private Sub Next_Que_Click()
    End Sub


    perhaps need be a module or class module ive been looking ones ya added im not good wid that stuff hahahah im just nice at design hahahahah


    made few changes folks request fer team play in trivia uploading now still ain tgot it working but ther patient hahahah or im full shit and no idea what im doing I added teams so men vs women so need get info from profile if man or woman is that possible?


    made few more changes some times i just start thinking and cant stop lol so dont get that version, hers new one then im going rest


    updated pic of trivia not working yet just pic lol


    been looking ya trivia codes think i understand some with some , lol alot modifications would work


    Been offline few days had fix some power issues hope be back working on project again like to get it working and finished hahahah with alot help


    A lot lol 🙂 so have you tried implementing some of the Trivia codes into your program?


    not yet wasnt quite sure how and were to place them lol


    i was looking part of code for your trivia but think needs modification to work in my project lol or should say our project since you did most the work hahahah

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