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help about sending text to paltalk room

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  • #190672

    i made greeting app for paltalk 10 but i get little bug i were typing some thing in the room and the app is sending a greeting in the same time what I’m typing get erased …any way how to get over this?
    i tried auto greeter here and it dosnt do the same


    I actually wanted to ask the same question.. Hopefully we could get an answer from our developers since I am very new myself c# and vbnet..


    And I had another suggestion that does not use the clipbord.

    Another way to save paltalk text


    In theory : before the line of code that sends the greet message, you’ll have to:
    If > 0 then GETTEXT, store it in a variable
    after the greet message is posted, SETTEXT ( your stored text) then send the key “END” to set the cursor at the end of your text.
    I hope this pseudo-code is clear for you.


    Thank you so much guys.. Chike and Twiza…. I will give it a shot and get back at you guys asap…..

    The reason why I wanted to know this was… I was planning to make a few widgets for IMFILES, and I wanted to to send a TEXT in room with different colors saying “Created by “DEVELOPER NAME”! As a Greeter!
    But it should send it automatically when the program starts….

    I am stuck with the coloring and Auto send. How do I add colors to each “letter and words”?

    EXAMPLE: Created by DEVELOPER NAME and make an auto sender when the program starts then it sends the exact word or words to the room… I tried a lot but failed….

    Thank you very much in advance,, and Merry Christmas..


    @ChiNa-Man wrote:

    I am stuck with the coloring….

    Look at Loco’s CoolText source.


    Edited again few minutes later: I cant find the CoolText Source.. If you could help me get there String.. Thanks

    Thanks String, I will def take a look now! Good too see you Mate…… And Thank you…
    Below I have posted just a bit of the code I will be using ! Without the TIMER ofcourse, else I will be flooding the room.. 😀

    Here is a little part of what I got:

    I REMOVED THE CODEAGAIN. It was actually an old Flooder i made long ago. Not good for posting the full code on here… But if I really go blank I will post a bit of it 😀


    @ChiNa-Man wrote:

    I am stuck with the coloring and Auto send. How do I add colors to each “letter and words”?

    Have a look over on at DemoAdvancedReadSendPal10[VB2010].


    Thank you Auto-Pilot.. I got that all the amazing links and downloads you posted on there! I am not trying to figure out how to send text auto into a room. Again Thanks to everyone helping in this case


    @ChiNa-Man wrote:

    I am not trying to figure out how to send text auto into a room.

    I know that you had seen that post on im-integrations before because you posted a reply to it, but you asked how to send formatted text to the pal room. The sample I sent you to shows just that, how to format the text (color fading if desired) and then sending it to the chat room.

    When people respond, you should at least look at what they are giving you. The first line of the post i sent you to clearly states that it demos how to do the multi colored text post into a pal room.
    @autopilot wrote:

    Here is an advanced demo project to show how to read text from Pal10 and send formatted (color fade) text to Pal10


    I don’t know why this sudden generosity about sharing my code…
    This the color fade function I use in TixT. I wrote it 4 years ago and it doesn’t look pretty 😆

    First of all, the function take a structure as parameter and return a string (rtf code).

    so you will need this:

    Public Structure TRTF
    Public Bold As Boolean
    Public Under As Boolean
    Public Italic As Boolean
    Public Size As Byte
    Public Color As Color
    Public Color2 As Color
    Public Text As String
    End Structure

    If you are not familiar with RTF codes (Rich Text Format) and Colors RGB, I strongly suggest to google them up. If you just copy and past without understanding (or at least trying) you will never learn.

    The messy part in the middle of the function that has no comment is pure math and logic. What I did is I take the positive difference between R G B values of the colors and divided by the length of my text ( Paltalk only allows 7 colors in one post, so 7 is the maximum I can divide by) that gives me the value by which I will increase from color1 to color2 to get the fade (Df variable in my code).

    The loop builds my R G B arrays tha I will use to generate an RTF color table.
    The rest of the code is just like generating html but it’s RTF codes: example bold, italic, etc…


    Public Shared Function sRTF_Fade(ByVal T As TRTF) As String
    Dim Rtf1 As String = "{rtf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang1036{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 Tahoma;}}" '& vbCrLf
    Dim ColorTB As String = "{colortbl "
    Dim Color1(2) As Byte
    Dim Color2(2) As Byte
    With T
    Color1(0) = .Color.R 'breaking down the colors into Red Green Blue RGB
    Color1(1) = .Color.G
    Color1(2) = .Color.B
    Color2(0) = .Color2.R
    Color2(1) = .Color2.G
    Color2(2) = .Color2.G
    Dim NumberOfColors As Integer = .Text.Length ' length of the string
    Dim Df As Integer
    If NumberOfColors > 7 Then NumberOfColors = 7 'paltalk doesn't allow more than seven colors in one post
    Dim Tb(NumberOfColors - 1) As Byte 'the array to hold our color table of 7 colors or less
    Dim R(NumberOfColors - 1) As Byte, G(NumberOfColors - 1) As Byte, B(NumberOfColors - 1) As Byte
    For i As Byte = 0 To 2
    Select Case Color1(i)
    Case Is > Color2(i)
    Df = (Color1(i) - Color2(i)) / (NumberOfColors + 1)
    Tb(0) = Color1(i)
    For j As Integer = 2 To NumberOfColors - 1
    Tb(j - 1) = Color1(i) - (Df * (j - 1))
    Tb(NumberOfColors - 1) = Color2(i)
    Case Is < Color2(i)
    Df = (Color2(i) - Color1(i)) / (NumberOfColors + 1)
    Tb(0) = Color1(i)
    For j As Integer = 2 To NumberOfColors - 1
    Tb(j - 1) = Color1(i) + (Df * (j - 1))
    Tb(NumberOfColors - 1) = Color2(i)
    Case Is = Color2(i)
    For j = 0 To NumberOfColors - 1
    Tb(j) = Color1(i)
    End Select
    Select Case i
    Case 0 : Tb.CopyTo(R, 0) 'red
    Case 1 : Tb.CopyTo(G, 0) 'green
    Case 2 : Tb.CopyTo(B, 0) 'blue
    End Select
    Rtf1 &= "{colortbl "
    For i As Integer = 0 To NumberOfColors - 1
    Rtf1 &= ";red" & R(i).ToString & "green" & G(i).ToString & "blue" & B(i).ToString
    Rtf1 &= ";}" '& vbCrLf
    Rtf1 &= "viewkind4uc1pard" & IIf(.Bold, "b", "") & IIf(.Italic, "i", "") & IIf(.Under, "ul", "") & "fs" & CStr(.Size * 2)
    Dim x As Integer = 0
    If NumberOfColors < 7 Then
    For Each Ch As Char In .Text.ToCharArray
    x += 1
    Rtf1 &= "cf" & x.ToString & " " & Ch
    Dim nw As Integer = .Text.Length / 8
    For i As Integer = 0 To 8
    Rtf1 &= "cf" & (i + 1).ToString & " " & .Text.Substring(i * nw, nw)
    Catch eX As Exception
    Rtf1 &= "cf" & (i + 1).ToString & " " & .Text.Substring(CInt(IIf((i * nw) > .Text.Length, .Text.Length, (i * nw)))) 'Right(.Text, .Text.Length - (i * nw) + 2)
    End Try
    End If
    End With
    Rtf1 = Replace(Rtf1, vbCrLf, "par ")
    Return Rtf1 & "par }"
    End Function


    The AlterColor function in TIXT is a joke once you understand this code. It’s only 5 or 6 lines of code. But You will have to DIY if you want it 😀


    I don’t know why this sudden generosity about sharing my code…
    This the color fade function I use in TixT. I wrote it 4 years ago and it doesn’t look pretty 😆

    First of all, the function take a structure as parameter and return a string (rtf code).

    Hi Twiza,,, I must take my hat of for that bro… Wow! Very clean explanation and very easy to understand,,

    Thank you for sharing something private…. We never met befor, but I seen all your great work for so many years now! I am a big fan of all you guys have done here on Imfiles. I appreciate all the support and source you guys put out for people, and same thing goes for Im-Integrations….

    I will now study what you posted here and I will def get back to you befor I can say more…..
    Infact I did not know that Paltalk only allows 7 colors in one post… Awesome info..
    Am trully thankfull for your time and contribution for making this Tutorial & Explanation,

    PS, I am a huge fan of your Tixt Products. 😳 Awesome job! and i know you have taking long time building it! As I know how long time it takes just to create the buttons….

    Thank you very Much Bro Twiza, Regards ChiNa


    You are very welcome. Enjoy your coding!


    a typo:

    Color2(0) = .Color2.R
    Color2(1) = .Color2.G
    Color2(2) = .Color2.G <— should be Color2.B


    Hi Twiza, Thanks a lot mate, I been looking all over your share durring the weekend! Kinda hard to set one and one together! Hopefully I will manage to understand all of the parts together..

    Thanks a lot again

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