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How to click "Copy room URL to clipboard" link using hwnd?

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  • #187224

    hi all i want to click the link “Copy room URL to clipboard” above the paltalk room that has class name “CTransparentTextOut” and i already have its handle. i tried the following but the clipboard was empty !! could you guys tell me what i am doing wrong? Thanks

    Call SendMessageByString(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SPACE, 0&)


    Since it stores the text internaly and not the normal way windows does you probably can’t.


    chike thanks for your reply. Is that a button ? once i be able to click i can read the clipboard to get the url but only problem is that i can’t click it using above method !!do you mean the button has no caption that is why we can’t but it has handle and calass name … Hope i be able some how be able to click it ..

    this is the way i get handle of it:

    Dim dlggroupchatwindowclass As Long, wtlsplitterwindow As Long, cwndvideobar As Long
    Dim cpngimagectrl As Long, ctransparenttextout As Long
    dlggroupchatwindowclass = FindWindow("dlggroupchat window class", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(dlggroupchatwindowclass, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    cwndvideobar = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "cwndvideobar", vbNullString)
    cpngimagectrl = FindWindowEx(cwndvideobar, 0&, "cpngimagectrl", vbNullString)
    ctransparenttextout = FindWindowEx(cpngimagectrl, 0&, "ctransparenttextout", vbNullString)
    ctransparenttextout = FindWindowEx(cpngimagectrl, ctransparenttextout, "ctransparenttextout", vbNullString)
    ctransparenttextout = FindWindowEx(cpngimagectrl, ctransparenttextout, "ctransparenttextout", vbNullString)
    ctransparenttextout = FindWindowEx(cpngimagectrl, ctransparenttextout, "ctransparenttextout", vbNullString)
    ctransparenttextout = FindWindowEx(cpngimagectrl, ctransparenttextout, "ctransparenttextout", vbNullString)
    ctransparenttextout = FindWindowEx(cpngimagectrl, ctransparenttextout, "ctransparenttextout", vbNullString)
    ctransparenttextout = FindWindowEx(cpngimagectrl, ctransparenttextout, "ctransparenttextout", vbNullString)
    ctransparenttextout = FindWindowEx(cpngimagectrl, ctransparenttextout, "ctransparenttextout", vbNullString)
    ctransparenttextout = FindWindowEx(cpngimagectrl, ctransparenttextout, "ctransparenttextout", vbNullString)
    ctransparenttextout = FindWindowEx(cpngimagectrl, ctransparenttextout, "ctransparenttextout", vbNullString)
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