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  • #184069

    Hi everybody and specially LOCOHACKER…

    I am a very old fan of this site and i really enjoy reading all ur comments and enjoy using ur cool pal programmz.

    I have always been able to download ur programs and enjoy being here, that is why i never considerd of registering a name here.

    Anyways ….

    I have recently downloaded a program called text floooder , i really like it. But i wanted to know if that is possible for u to make a program like (flood Fucker ) which u made for the old version of paltalk. With that program u joined a room , send text and get out of the room and repeating that. That program is reallly the best ever….

    Can u plz make such an program or it is no longer possible…

    Hope to hear from u soon 🙂


    hmm i never seen the room fucker but i sum that if it floods a room that it is easy to make with a timer and a textbox and 2 command buttons…


    syxx i think it use to be called the paltalk prankster, and yeah pretty simple to do aslong as the room is highlighted in paltalk room listing


    Thank u both for ur information…. I really appreicat ur comments… it is a pgoram called flood fucker made by Admin. It is a program like the program on this link of this site:

    Pls if u do me this great favour and make some time to make that . i will really appreicat it.

    that program help option is under
    1. enter the message on the message box
    2. highight text and chose the colour
    go to the group screen and highlight the you want to bother
    4. press start and it will do the rest 🙂 and stop when u want to stop it.
    PS. i PUt a vidio option in case you guys want to aslo go to the room put vidio up and send message, that way is even harder to bounce you .

    I will be looking forward for ur re-actions

    thank u before hand


    lol yea the room fucker one of my fab programs, aigh i updated for ya but u going have to wait til tomorrow 🙂 cause i reformatted my pc

    okie 🙂


    Well this program is not of use anymore i’ll tell you why after looking at this and reading what it does theres an easy way to fix this problem…

    You come into my Paltalk room spam it and then leave and you come back and do it again…

    All i gotta do is get your paltalk nick and add it to the ban list.
    so when you try to rejoin you will be ban even if you make a new nick you still wont get back in.
    However you can even use a Fast Bouncer if needed.. i made a fast bouncer i got the ideal from here its bounces by nickname you put the nick into the box click bounce and there gone.

    But if you want a room fucker i can make one open source… but i haven’t installed Visual Basic 6 yet and i wont till my Computer go’s down cause im trying to see how long i can keep my system up for heh.. so far its been 1 week and 1 day anda few hours. 8)


    hmm well i never used it or dl it but i remmeber once fubuki made somethin like this n what it did is it would join a room n send text then leave then go to next room on the list n maybe thats what this guy means? cuz to juss ban the person from the room seems to easy of a fix


    as much as fubuki is an asshole, i have to admit he was smart enough to move to the next room when “room raiding” with his app, I wonder where the little wanna be gangster is at these days?? i have’nt seen him on paltalk for at least 3 years


    yep crash is the same thing as fubuki room fucker 🙂 i use to love the program specialy when it first came out 🙂

    lol why a lot of peeps dont like fubuki 🙂


    fubuki still comes on paltalk
    guess u hangin out in the techno rooms or sometin =


    narr im normally hanging out in the Adult Insults rooms with his sister, most of the time I can get that hoe to get her tits out on cam hehe.

    P.s thats no joke either!


    heh i talk to fubki jones on yahoo every now and then he comes to the chat i hang out in on yahoo he has a Comcast site as you can see here> 😉

    this is has yahoo profile…

    he still thinks hes in the PTA = PalTalk Alliance


    hey in case the guy still wants the room fuker for pal 104 here it is

    to use it just ad the room to your fav list then open the fav list an highlight the room u wan to mess with and click on the fuck it button 🙂


    ok hmm wel dis works 4 104 only ok but do i have 2 be in the room and den it has 2 be highlighted on the list of da room im in and den it works is it like dat plz help i wanna kno how 2 use it loco or any1 else thanks 8) 8) 8) 8)


    lol aigh loco this how u do it, first in the paltalk client click on Rooms, ok now look for he room u want to use the program and add it to your favorite list,
    now in the paltalk client where all the rooms are click on My Favorite rooms then a window with all the room of your favorite list will appear, now highlight the room u want to use the program in, just highlight it by clicking on it once

    then you press fuck it 🙂 thas it

    I use this methof of favorites cause i think if the room is on your favorite list u wont get the loading ads thing oi think 🙂

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