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*Need Help*

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  • #188379

    Hi all,

    1st i would like to thank all of you for sharing the vb codes here, i found Departure Code very useful, so i updated it, and now i took Admin code for listing the users of the room..

    the only problem, is that it requires the ATL value, which is not required in Departure original code..

    atldd = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "ATL:0053D8D0", vbNullString)

    i want the user listing to be done without writing the ATL value, is there any one who can help..

    Pls. find attached my example, the updated version of Mr. Departure code, send any text to any paltalk version *with color*

    Thanks all.


    UAEWebMaster, i was trying to do the same thing, no luck so far but i keep on trying the be great if i could the same for paltalk nick list, anyways if find the solution i put it on here casue the getchild thing dont seem to work at list i cant make it wokr 🙄


    @Admin wrote:

    UAEWebMaster, i was trying to do the same thing, no luck so far but i keep on trying the be great if i could the same for paltalk nick list, anyways if find the solution i put it on here casue the getchild thing dont seem to work at list i cant make it wokr 🙄

    I think i found a work around solution !!!

    pls wait, u will see it in a new post 🙂

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