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Pal friend list to textbox VB6

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  • #187160

    An example of copying your friends list to a textbox using vb6.

    Some code in my project is borrowed from other developers. Their credits can be viewed in the source.
    Tested on winxp with pal 9.9 build 367


    This method will retrieve the list from nearly any treeview, just plug in the correct data for finding the treeview.


    This project will not get the pal list from Pal 10. They are now using a CAccordianctrl instead of a treeview.


    thx string . yes i was able to collect my friend list before the latest release -> paltalk 10 . would you please update it .. ? thank you again


    i tried to change the handle for the pal friends list treeview as follow..
    gradienttreeviewclass = getPalSubForm(“seinfeld_superman”, “Paltalk Messenger”, “CAccordianctrl”, 1)

    im using ms spy++ instead of PAT spy , but am still getting error >> “Run time error : subscript out of range ” in CopyTargetTreeview procedure . could any one tell me what is the problem ? 🙁


    String can you tell me how to highlight each user name in buddy list one by one till i reach the end of the tree ?


    @honey_34 wrote:

    “Run time error : subscript out of range ” in CopyTargetTreeview procedure . could any one tell me what is the problem ?

    My project above collects the data from a treeview. The Pal 10 friend list is no longer a treeview control.


    @method wrote:

    can you tell me how to highlight each user name in buddy list one by one till i reach the end of the tree ?

    Hmm. Off hand I’m not sure. What are you trying to accomplish? Perhaps it can be done a different way.


    Thanks for reply string. I am looking for a solution for paltalk 9.9 and it is treeview still the buddy list. What i want to do is loop over buddylist and delete each user !! i know there are such programs out there but i want to learn how this can be done using vb6. i know how to send delete command but i dont know how to loop over each buddylist item one by one !

    Hope you be able to help me .Thanks in advance.


    what kind of list control paltalk 10 uses . can you show me an example . i read the comments in your previous project and it was very helpful .. thanks in advance


    I think now we need some how copy buddy list in palalk 10 that uses CAccordionCtl instead of treeview ! did any one come with solution for CAccordionCtl ?

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