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Paltalk 10.2 Programming Updates

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  • #186910

    K so like the send and get text there are two functions to do one job ๐Ÿ™‚ is that what you mean ๐Ÿ™„


    @Admin wrote:

    K so like the send and get text there are two functions to do one job ๐Ÿ™‚ is that what you mean

    @autopilot wrote:

    It can absolutely be done. Try looking at the chathnd method

    In your function SystenViewHandle, you have the line:

    SystenViewHandle = ChatHnd(iPHnd, SysListView32index)

    AutoPilot spotted your error. If you look at the ChatHnd function in your code, you’ll see that it references RichEdit20W, and you want SysListView32.

    You can write a new function using the code in the ChatHnd function. Change it to reference the syslistview32.


    I only have notepad++ to write code in at the moment, so this is un-tested but should work.
    This should find the handle for any class as long as you feed it a Handle, a Index and a Class name.

    Public Function GetTheClassHnd(ByVal ParentTargethwnd As Long, ByVal TargetIndex As Long, TargetCls As String) As Long
    'Returns a class's handle
    Dim retVal As Long
    mTargetSubClass = TargetCls
    mTargetSubClassIndex = TargetIndex
    IndexCount = 1
    retVal = EnumChildWindows(ParentTargethwnd , AddressOf EnumChildProc, TargetIndex)
    GetTheClassHnd = mSubFormHnd
    End Function


    You could use this instead of ChatHnd in your SystenViewHandle function.


    Aigh I gonna try that thanks ๐Ÿ™‚


    for the people interested in how we are going to code hook paltalk incoming and outgoing text and let paltalk do all the dirty work for us, then this pdf is an excellent example of what I was trying to explain, it talks about the Microsoft pinball game to retrieve scores, but take the methods explained here and apply them for paltalk text instead. please take the time to read the whole tutorial, should only take 30 minutes tops….

    [attachment=0:1zt12n8y]Complete Guide to Code Caves-Drew Benton.pdf[/attachment:1zt12n8y]


    Thanks Dep ๐Ÿ™‚
    And hey am I not suppose to call the handle like this

    Private Function SystenViewHandle() As Long
    Dim iPHnd As Long
    iPHnd = getPalSubForm(WindowClass, Combo1.Text, SplittrIndex10, SplittrIndex10)
    iPHnd = GetTheClassHnd(iPHnd, SysListView32index)
    Debug.Print ("SystenViewHandle- " & SystenViewHandle) ' for testing
    End Function

    It keeps saying argument not optional ๐Ÿ™„


    @Admin wrote:

    And hey am I not suppose to call the handle like this

    My function GetTheClassHnd asks for three parameters. @String wrote:

    This should find the handle for any class as long as you feed it a Handle, a Index and a Class name.

    This line in your SystenViewHandle only asks for two. The parameter your missing is the listview class name.

    iPHnd = GetTheClassHnd(iPHnd, SysListView32index)

    and there is no codeto set the value of SystenViewHandle

    Try this:

    Private Function SystenViewHandle() As Long
    Dim iPHnd As Long
    iPHnd = getPalSubForm(WindowClass, Combo1.Text, SplittrWindow10, SplittrIndex10)
    SystenViewHandle= GetTheClassHnd(iPHnd, SysListView32index,"SysListView32")
    Debug.Print ("SystenViewHandle- " & SystenViewHandle) ' for testing
    End Function


    – thanks for the upload. I’m anxious to read it.

Viewing 7 posts - 46 through 52 (of 52 total)