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Paltalk Admin Bot 9.9

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  • #175621

    Here is the updated Paltalk Admin Bot 9.9, so now it works with the new paltalk 😆
    PS: This is a big code, so please if you find any errors post them here so I can fix them.
    Thanks 🙂


    Hello i use PAB long time now it is a grate programm!
    In this version i have a problem with the swearbot!
    Everytime the BOT bounces a user from the room i find myself out of paltalk!
    With other words i have to sign in to palatalk after every swearbotbounce!

    What is wrong?

    Thank You for Your help in forward!



    Ouch that shouldn’t happen umm, I will try it in my pc o see. have you try it in a differnt pc? and you say it only happen with this version right?
    Thanks I gonna take a looks on wensday when i get back home 🙂


    Hello egain!
    I was out of paltalk about 9 months becouse of work!
    In the older version it did not happen! i think it was 9.4? I am realy not sure!
    Since i came back about 3 months ego i got this prob!
    I use the BOT becouse the owner asked me to do this again!
    So Paltalk 9.9 Final was out and i had to download PAB again and i was forced to download 9.9 becouse of the version!
    I was on othe PC too and i got the same prob there!

    I hope You can fix it!

    Thanks again!


    i was testing it 🙂 man it works fine with it, are you running just the admin bot and did ya get the one from the download section? this one


    Hello again!
    I did download from the download section!
    I installed it again and the prob is the same!
    Here i sthe arror that i have after the kick from paltalk!

    Do You know what this is?
    Thanks for spending time with my problems!


    @loco – It may be in the timing prior to the click of the bounce button via your code.


    string so I need to add a delay on the click, since paltalk is not liking it 😀

    Mbirmbilis, yeps i see the error. it seems paltalk dont like how it’s dong the bounce. I gonna check it again :mrgreen:


    Thanks again Admin!
    I hope the solution is not so dificult!


    Aigh, I put a delay on the bouncing. One thing does it happens when you try to redot them, and see if it takes you out right after the bounce window comes on or like a second later. Here, its not an installer is just the files in a folder :swift:


    Hello egain!
    I did download the files and copy them to the PAB folder in programm files!
    After the first try i was again out of paltalk!

    The autobounce works correct!
    The F7 bounce works correct!
    But in swearbot if someone writes a word that i do not want him to say in room the prog starts to bounce him! The Bounce window open and close many times! At the end he is bounced from the room and i am bounced from Paltalk!

    I am not a programmer and i realy do not know what PAB does in the time of the bounce!
    But i think if one reason is writen in the bounce window like , could be that i stay in paltalk and in room!
    I say this becouse in normal bounce in paltalk, paltalk allways asks for reason to bounce a user!
    So in the PAB bounce i allways see an empty window! No reason is given!

    Could this be the resason that i am allways bounced from paltalk?
    And why am i kicked only in swearbot bounce?

    Sorry if i ask to much, but realy i have big ❓ ❓ infront of my eyes since this happens!

    Oh i have to say that with F7 bounce and Autobounce the bounce window opens once and thats it! In swearbot often and after i am out of paltalk the bouncer goes on with bouncing again and again until i close PAB prog! ❓ ❓


    @Mbirmbilis wrote:

    The Bounce window open and close many times!

    Repeated attempts at trying to bounce may be what causes the users Paltalk to close.


    And what can i do now against this?


    @Mbirmbilis wrote:

    And what can i do now against this?

    Just have to hang on till Loco finds the problem.


    🙂 Yeps string i didn’t think of that lol aigh now we getting to the problem, I will check why it’s doing multiple bounce commands :swift:

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