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Paltalk Colour X6.63

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  • #179377

    When you run Paltalk Colour X6.63 now a message pops up;

    You are using a version of the application that is outdated and may no longer be used to login with. Would you like to upgrade to the latest version of the software now?

    Paltalk is getting closer to block Paltalk Colour X6.63 and previous versions, to bypass this message click Yes. When it starts downloading the latest upgrade version of Paltalk software, click on cancel to interrupt the download. Now you can continue using Paltalk Colour X6.63 😉


    Damn it almost work, lol I can go into the rooms 🙁 damn paltalk i hate paltalk 😈


    the room list will not even come up 😥


    Flash Flash Flash Shocking News

    Paltalk’s disgusting administration, and maintainers have blocked Paltalk Colour X6.63.

    Sorry guys, I don’t have any idea or any solution for it :cry:, but still…

    Good Luck 😉


    yea we know street – they will end up havin a diff version out


    dam thing they have disable pt color 😈 and i have black nick 😥
    i try to ban some advertissing domaine from pt nowwwwwww and yessssss i dont have banner with black nick 😛


    yeh the battle wasn’t over yet . Keep up the great work Admin 😀


    please , for me paltalk colour X6.63


    Yes it works Thanks Street Well Appreciated New Problem : Rooms Are not coming open.. now What we will do with this…


    hi.PTX663 is out dated and needs to be updated.i clicked yes to update and then canceled it.paltalk remained opened.but it does not alow me to see rooms or enter a room.another pb is that when i click a nick in my buddy list ( to make a pm ) it closes down there any solution for this bulshit. 😯

    CrAzY MoFo

    yeah paltalk does stay open if you do that but if u keep it like that then use virtual pc or another pc to log on paltlak or another window account and log on add your name that ur using the paltalk colour x6.63 it will actaully show you offline so paltalk stays open even when your not actaully connected


    paltalk colour x6.63 not join room paltalk . because paltalk update version paltalk8.3 . admin can up ptx version new . thank so much


    huynguyeninfo 🙂 lets hope they upgrade it 🙂

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