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Paltalk encryptor for testing

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  • #178832

    ah this just one of them programs where you write soemthing and it looks different on the paltalk room, so only u and the person you want to know whas its saying know it 🙂

    aigh here how it works, first click on the encryptor menu then change the encrypted text to the one you want.

    after you change them click on save,

    now one thing this an issue i am having, you can only use capitals letters for the encrypted letters, also u cant use numbers so it best to use symbols for it to work correctly 🙂

    aigh once u change the symbols and save it you can send the text file which is included int the folder of the program, its call enc.txt sent it to the other person you want to read wha you writing and tell them to replace the one thye have in their folder with yours or visa versa, who eva create the new encrypted text can send it to the other one.

    little confusing lol but i am here to help ya,

    aigh wha to do next connect to the room, the enter the text in the messge box then click on send the encrypted text will show in the room.

    ah this a cool part the program has a reader so it will read the encrypted letters and show it in your program, just click on start reading 🙂 nice

    important you need to decide a devider which will be send to the room to devide the text for the reader, that is located on the encryptors screen is the one that says Dv = the text next to that u decide on the devider 🙂

    aigh here it is

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