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Paltalk FastBouncer By H@cky And Me :)

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  • #180920
    UDG Clan

    me its 100% working hahah loco you the best and who ever made that room fucker here is what you do room Fucker make your name invible in the room wehn you writ but got to do a trick frist

    1.go into the room get out and press the button on loco programe but before writ the text going to send but make sure you go in go out and press the button fast as hell so it can go in agien and like the last 3 letters of your name will show i tryed it in my room then i pissed alot of co admins but they news 🙁 duno how

    UDG Clan

    it is just like that favrit trick that you can be invible with but this any trick that got that fast will get you invible


    lol yeps that happens some times with the program, jeje

    hey thanks to hacky i release the source code for the fast bouncer check it here


    well when i try to run it, has the error, on the bounce text:/


    umm got to chek it, let me try in others pcs




    hmmm im retarded so sorry but this isn’t really a fast bouncer hmm i was checking out the code pretty cool i never used a fast bouncer i really have no use to even wanna make one reason for i like to be admin much only thing i see this really does is finds the Bounce handle and opens that Bounce window where you type the reason for boncing the person but i find this pretty cool check this out im not in the room as a admin and i trying to bounce

    when i tryed to bounce someone and i was not a admin i got that message maybe this could be helpful down the road for some real paltalk hacks.

    anyways im sick again glad im going to the doctors tommrow!


    they’ve had that msg for like 2 years now when attempting to bounce while not admin………


    lmao yeah i even remember that shit


    Wow you all are blind eh? your missing my point of what im talking about who cares about the message my point is things we cant see when were not staff or like when were not admins can be opened……. dont believe me eh try opening paltalk with your notepad and read the hex if your good at it like i some what am you will see what im talking about 😉 i dont wanna waste my time telling what it is im talking about if your good like you think you are you will be able to tell right away.


    well sir, Been there, done that.

    and my point was i think its obvious you can still open things that dont have VISIBLE menu items or windows………

    when a program is loaded you can’t chose to not load a PART of the program, that’s why paltalk hides certain aspects depending on your access.

    and speaking of that, it wouldn’t matter if you could do certain things that are hidden, seeing as how they are still executed on server side depending on that access you have.

    Write back 😉

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