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Paltalk programs not working for Paltalk 11.7 Build 639

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  • #174600

    The programs are not working for Paltalk 11.7 build 639 they are however working for build 638 🙂 which you can download here Build 638 I’m going to see if it’s an easy fix, but if it’s not I will wait for a newer Paltalk 11.7 build before I make the changes. In the mean time downgrade to 638 til the issue is fix  :mrgreen:


    Thanks for the Update bro. Could you please leave an update when you have figured out the fix? Thanks bro and Good luck exploring!


    Sure Bro 🙂 I might wait for the new build before I decide to dig into the issues cause Paltalk done this before where one build don’t work and then it works n the rest of them. If the new build doesn’t work than I will find the fix 🙂


    Good afternoon Brothers .. i could not find Paltalk Talk Timer [vb6] .. could you please help me to find it ?

    Thank you in advance ..

    in btw : ( China & Admin ) Both of you are Greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ..


    Luv U


    @Mralone whcih timer the one I made long time ago, the code is here 🙂


    I recently tried updating those programs. I just simply changed those indexes on the VB6 programs by our friend Admin. Using those instances prompt using the AutoIT and it works perfectly even viewing on the hidden objects, it responds normally. I will edit those codes again in some other time if not busy. Cheers!

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