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Select Nick On Paltalk Listview Code FInally :)

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  • #188723

    @Admin wrote:

    method, umm I need to check but how can we know the mic status and raise hands and stu 🙄 tha wha i need to know 🙂 I give it a try tho

    loco then how the no jump author did it asu see in pic above ? 🙄 🙄 i just want to enhance it


    lol thas wha i wanna know lol, but i am sure he check something about the image.

    hey bright away here the code for all basic things in the rightclick of user in the room, you know like add user isntant user ect…


    thanks loco i learned alot. could u tell me what is the code for opening serach room window ?

    Also loco could make this code work for highlighting search rooom listview i tried to change some class names but did not work. That would be so good for our future projects.Thanks


    yeps, i almost sure it can, i gonna try tomorrow although i finally got my new car lol i mean used but its nice, so I might be little busy driving lol but i give it a try tomorrow 🙂


    damn crap, this code wont highlight or get the damn rooms right so far wha i try 🙂

    any one with time can try it too 😯


    @Admin wrote:

    damn crap, this code wont highlight or get the damn rooms right so far wha i try 🙂

    any one with time can try it too 😯

    Man i keep trying it does not work yet!!

    Loco now that we can select an item is there a way to get item value if u use positon to highlight listview. It would be nice that we can get only the selected value of listview baced on giving position.


    wha ya mean in the room list? or the nicks we can do that on the nicks alreayd 🙂 is the room list i am having some problems with 😥


    @Admin wrote:

    wha ya mean in the room list? or the nicks we can do that on the nicks alreayd 🙂 is the room list i am having some problems with 😥

    Man this is what i cam so far. It selects the item u specify and also selects first item but the color of highlight is not completly blue. i attached it .

    Note :tested on paltalk color 8.3 122 version


    okie, lol i got it half working you see it highlight the room but if u try to higligh the room then both of then will stay highlight ect… check it to see wh i mean, i am also having problems getting the rooms 😕


    @Admin wrote:

    okie, lol i got it half working you see it highlight the room but if u try to higligh the room then both of then will stay highlight ect… check it to see wh i mean, i am also having problems getting the rooms 😕

    loc what version of paltalk did u use to test it ? i tried color,126,125 and non worked!!

    loco should not this :

    MessageCrossProcess FindListView(“- Voice Room”)

    changed to

    MessageCrossProcess FindListView(“Rooms List – Search Results”)


    highligth nick, post message id send file, get window text, trim it. that’s it that’s all. is it easy no????????? 😆


    @nanomachine007 wrote:

    highligth nick, post message id send file, get window text, trim it. that’s it that’s all. is it easy no????????? 😆

    we are talking about highlighting room search result listview . If u mean after highlighting and gettng the selected item without using sort of listbox then show us how.


    oopsss i’m in wrong way ➡ ❓ ❓ ❓


    @nanomachine007 wrote:

    guy if you want to refresh your listbox, dont call each time getlistviewitem, just use sendmessage to count the item and store the total users in global variable, if the new one is different than old one then call the function to getlistviewitem

    just a suggestion 😛

    Here a good thing it came in my mind. We leave this option ” let me know whe pal enter” on and user that as to update our listbox of current user in room!! so easy. When user enters we grab its name and he leave we remove it from listbox! i think this will consume less memory. What u think about this loco?


    for what usage u want grap these nicks…bounce,mute ❓ ❓ ❓

    fast bouncer 1 click u kick their ass out, and mute just do right click and mute 8)

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