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Use a Asterisk for password fieldโ€ฆ.

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  • #189343

    Hur Hur Hur its nothing hard to do i did this just incase theres someone who cant figure out how to use something to cover the password field made a exsame here for anyone who cares heh… 8)


    @Anonymous wrote:

    Hur Hur Hur its nothing hard to do i did this just incase theres someone who cant figure out how to use something to cover the password field made a exsame here for anyone who cares heh… 8)

    Guest could u send me the code on how to use asterisk for password field i want this for one of my project.Thanks


    I think I have it let me check for ya 8)


    @Admin wrote:

    I think I have it let me check for ya 8)

    Thanks man i hope u share the logging server source code too:-)
    Does it realy connect to paltalk? it would be nice to have our own log in type of user interface:-)


    Ah I dont have the server ๐Ÿ™‚ I dont think he never release that, I didnt find the code to change either but check this is mad easy

    on the text box propertie where the password is going do this

    Set the PasswordChar property to “*”

    I gt that from vbforums dint know it was that easy lol


    that’s crazy man …

    hahhaa lolz …

    but there are always alternative way …

    seconds way is ..

    on keypress

    store same where in a variable … and replace the ascii equals to *



    just change the text box font . taaadaaaaaaaa another magic trick


    and what about this
    Private Sub Text1_Change()
    Dim TmpLastPWChar As Long
    TmpLastPWChar = SendMessage(Text1.hWnd, EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR, 0&, ByVal 0&)
    If TmpLastPWChar = 0 Or TmpLastPWChar > 89 Then TmpLastPWChar = 64
    Call SendMessage(Text1.hWnd, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, TmpLastPWChar + 1, ByVal 0&)

    End Sub
    it’s easy to set whatever you want for hide your password but my pain is i try to get the pt password, i try everything but no result expected ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
    can anybody tell me how to get the password with api call when i drag my cursor on password zone of pt login screen.
    i’m sure someone has already done it.


    yeap its been done, but not the normal APi calls you would normaly use to get standard passwords feilds, I know on h2k someone made a password revealer for paltalk …

    I personnaly have’nt looked into it , so i dont know much about it


    thanks Departure for reply it, but i solved my problem
    i can get pt password by using postmessage ๐Ÿ˜† I always solve my probleme after post my question ๐Ÿ˜›

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