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Paltalk Trivia Bot Single Player Version

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  • #179601

    Aigh I made a quick change to mt lagger scrambler to make it the trivia bot for single player, this code is completely new, compare to my other tivia bot 🙂 so it should be a lot more stable

    okie to use it do this
    First click on editor to make your question and answer file.

    Then go to the main screen and click on load button to load the file to the program.

    then click on start 🙂

    Thas it lol.

    Now for the cool stuff, you have a choice of sending the top players when the game is over, instead of the winner only, Just select on yes on the frame Send Top Players.

    Check this other cool thing you can also have a send messge if someone is on a streak, like if they answer questions on a role, just select yes under the streak frame.

    The bot has two basic command they are

    hint! this will send the hint to the room

    repeat! This will repeat the question

    Also there Timer option, on the timer frame, u can decide how many seconds a question can remain unanswer, just click on the box right next to where it says timer, and to the left of that u deside the amount of time.

    Right next to this, there is the BQ box which is the amount of time between each question, like how long will the program take to send the next question when the first one is answer 🙂

    The other stuff is umm, like when you want to edit the look of the messeges, like winner, correct answer ect.. choose one to edit hightlight the text then choose the font desing.

    Aigh thas about it 🙂

    You can get it here

    This is how it looks


    working perfect hehehe and its easy to load questions too 🙂

    good job man , its simple n kool


    Here is an updated version to work with paltalk 8.3 build 122

    I havent make this final cause I plan on putting some new stuff but here it is 🙂


    loco could u share this code . I realy neeed to know how tu detect for certain word and post back customed massage . I be happy if u teach me how to do that.Thanks

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