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Im new to this. Can anyone help me

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  • #181435

    I am using paltalk and have been for 6 months now. I downloaded Music bot. In the greeter section at the bottom it says announcement. Next to it says time. Its defaulted to 10. When I do that it displays like 5 announcements in a row. If I change it to 1 it never goes off. What is a good number to put in that section.

    Also is there a way to get a color nic. Any other programs you recommend for me. I also just got the banner block


    Well it announces continuously, and the numbers stand per second between each message send 8)

    For colour nick well we don’t have stuff here for but do a search for departure loaders I think, although you know it only changes your nick in you computer and the other people still see your nick as black 😉


    well i have my announcer set to 60 and it never goes off.


    🙂 ah so keeps sending the messeges without waiting the 60 seconds between 🙄 one thing are you using this one in this link

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