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Select Nick On Paltalk Listview Code FInally :)

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  • #188644

    Damn man I being trying to do this for like 2 years now and finally thanks to method for hooking me up with a code and a little modification we can now highlight the nicks in paltalk listview,

    Yesss 🙂 the code is pretty straight foward but if you gus got any questions just ask 🙂


    Your welcome loco . Loco now let us find how to right click and item and be able to use those options.

    I think we can make lots of usage of this :-))) 😀 😀 😀
    Let us brain strom what should we do to utilize this.


    it’s nice code for hightligh nick 😆

    but the code about doctor to get listview item is out of age man, I have an other version to get external listview item more shorter and easy to understand 8) 😛


    Ah, does it takes less cpu 🙂 hook us up 🙂


    yeah i wanna see your version of how to get info from the syslistview.


    loco how to select item from right click menu over name items. for example select ignore or add ?


    I have posted that code here before on loconinja post and delphi5 version but here is version vb6


    Nano do u have simmiler to this for listbox ?


    Nice nano hehe, aigh here the one that puts them on the listbox,
    and to send command like add and stuff I think it might be easy i gota check on tha 🙂
    here nano nick added to listbox


    loco thank u for adding listbox option to it. is it a way to keep this list update all the time instead of user keep reloading it to get new members as well? that weould be soo nice to have updated on all the time.


    ah u sure u want to do that it eats up lots of cpu but it can be done by adding a timer and putting this code in it

    mywindowclass = FindWindow("my window class", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(mywindowclass, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    atldd = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "ATL:0053C8D0", vbNullString)
    syslistview = FindWindowEx(atldd, 0&, "syslistview32", vbNullString)
    Call GetListviewItem(syslistview)

    I try that once and that shit froze my pc, ehhehe but i was using the old way no nanos new one, maybe its betta 🙂


    guy if you want to refresh your listbox, dont call each time getlistviewitem, just use sendmessage to count the item and store the total users in global variable, if the new one is different than old one then call the function to getlistviewitem

    just a suggestion 😛


    Loco i want to do some thing like this program. But i want to give reds to those that did not raise their hand and they are not waiting online .For example if there are 10 people in a room and 3 person is rased their hand and one has the mic and once he leave the mic if the 1 person who raised his hand took the mic nothing should happend but if other took the mic then they get red. Alo i did not figure out how to red people like just like this program !! Be happy to get some help here.Thanks


    shit… this code is no better still messy to learn from to much jibberish code… ohh well someone will come along with a better one but the other one that departure but even that isn’t that great damn its all like @$%@$^@$%@#% but anyways someday someone will come alot with a code !!!!!!!!!!


    method, umm I need to check but how can we know the mic status and raise hands and stu 🙄 tha wha i need to know 🙂 I give it a try tho

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