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Trivia Scorer v.2.3 for Paltalk Desktop

Trivia Scorer is a real fun game for Paltalk Desktop. Tou can play a Trivia scorer game in your Paltalk rooms. I have to admit I never play a game like this before, but after checking it out it seems like a lot of fun. This version was updated for the new Paltalk Desktop. Have fun 🙂

Download Trivia Scorer v.2.3 Paltalk Desktop

2 thoughts on “Trivia Scorer v.2.3 for Paltalk Desktop”

  1. It isn’t really a game that one plays but rather an aid to a live trivia room in which there are 2 teams, usually males and females. As members of each team gets trivia questions correct, the scorer keeps track of the team score and then announces the eventual winner when a certain point level is reached. All the scorer has to do in Paltalk is push the score into the chat room.
    There aren’t as many live trivia rooms as there used to be, but the switch to Desktop has been tough for live play until various people with scorers migrate them.
    The scorer could also be used for any competition between two live teams in a chat room.

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