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  • #186221

    @Johnny5 wrote:

    does anyone have the bible in text version? I might be able to make it. I have a version in vietnamese but no NIV text version.

    Text version may make it easier for you to code but… If you make it to work together with a popular Bible software like eSword to grab the verses and post in a room it would be better. Many people use eSword for studying Bible verses. The most logical thing to do would be to figure out what format eSword stores it’s Bibles and Commentaries (other reference books) in and grab text from that to post. Then I don’t think it should matter what Bible version you are using. Whether it is the NIV or the KJV or any of the who knows how many other version are out there, Genesis 1:1 is still “In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.” So you would be posting Genesis 1:1 not “In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.” so that way if another version worded it slightly different then it would post whatever it has.

    And let’s not forget here that (if I’m not mistaken) the Quaran and other books have been made to work with eSword as well. So, the demand for such a program would certainly not be limited to just Christians.


    @Admin wrote:

    OMG finally someone did it lol people being asking for this program for liek 8 years lol thanks man 🙂

    lmfao Well, it’s good to see someone did it lol. I’m starting to learn C++ now. Maybe one of these days I’ll make something for Paltalk. What else have people been requesting for Paltalk?


    this should be very helpful. now all i gotta do i buy a pc get VB learn to cod and im set. maybe michael madgy can do this… 😆


    He probably hasn’t replied because he doesn’t want to give you the source code. Most people don’t just give our their source code after working so many hours to perfect it. By doing that they would risk it being stolen by someone who would then make a similar program based off it and claim that they are the coder of it.

    But if you manage to make this program please post it here as I would find it very, very useful as a believer and one who hates to copy and paste verses into a room constantly. Please include a verse posting function. I have wanted this for a long time.




    well said 😀

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