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Stryker M

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  • #183015
    Stryker M

    if ur talkin bout room bans, the ban list is cleared every 30 days

    Stryker M

    yea the limit is like 200 or just over…mine is at about 203 i think

    Stryker M

    shit hes sellin paid nick on his forum for 10 bucks for a year…might be worth it idk

    Stryker M

    y did u put this in Paltalk Programs?

    It has nothing to do with Paltalk…its just a key logger…

    Please correct me if im wrong

    Stryker M

    just type in


    and it will list the admins in the room…

    i think this is what u were talkin about

    @Conan wrote:

    How Can you see who you have added as Admin and anything else as far as this Program Goes i mean its a good Program …ive searched the forum but with no luck on any helpful answer….. i am talking about the Prevent Jump On Mic Program

    Stryker M

    in order for you to be able to record both…you need to select stero mix in ur recording control and then go to ur audio control and unmute the mic…then ull hear both

    @joshuajared wrote:

    hey ill be a test rabbit. lol

    any idea on recording the audio convo’s. i tryed a few ways and only seem to be able to record on end. ither listening, or speaking but never both.

    Got it dl’ed. it connects fine.

    When ya get it finished let me know and ill dl the new working version

    Stryker M

    everyone sees it diffrent…when a new user enters a room the ppl in the room will see him at the bottom of the list but he will see his name near the top almost every time…i have been in a room under 2 nicks at once and the names are all in diffrent order

    Stryker M

    everyone sees it diffrent…when a new user enters a room the ppl in the room will see him at the bottom of the list but he will see his name near the top almost every time…i have been in a room under 2 nicks at once and the names are all in diffrent order

    Stryker M


    Stryker M


    Stryker M

    @NVYE wrote:

    i don’t know if paltalk’s admin can read them … but if they do that is messed up.

    according to the dude on here:

    they red admins can read the pms but idk about whispers:P

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