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a vb code to access the admin console

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  • #187738

    hey does anyone know how to send a messageto the combox box in the admin console ive found the post message number for the admin console but am having probelems trying to send message there
    many thanks


    Umm which combo box, and are you talkign of the loging as admin screen or the admin console on the room 🙂 I think I can help ya i done both 😉


    tys Loco for some reason mine seems to get to the point where it says proceed to ban
    then vb just freeses and doesnt see the Ban User window i cant figure out why
    Dim x As Long, editx As Long, button As Long
    Dim console As Long

    If (Text38 = “”) Then
    Text38 = Trim(AdmnConsole)

    Timer8.Enabled = False
    console = FindWindow(“#32770”, Text38)
    x = FindWindowEx(console, 0&, “ComboBox”, vbNullString)
    editx = FindWindowEx(x, 0&, “Edit”, vbNullString)
    Call SendMessageByString(editx, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, “abc”)
    button = FindWindowEx(console, 0&, “button”, “Ban Selected User”)
    Call SendMessageLong(button, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SPACE, 0&)
    Call SendMessageLong(button, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&)

    PalBan ‘ Produces the Ban Window Title”<<<–freeses

    x = FindWindow(“#32770”, BanWindow)

    button = FindWindowEx(x, 0&, “button”, “Yes”)
    Call SendMessageLong(button, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SPACE, 0&)
    Call SendMessageLong(button, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&)

    Text38 = “”

    End If


    Oops i should have said the combox on the Administrative console
    it enters the screename in and presses the ban selected user button
    but for some reason the code will not see the “Ban User?” window
    it sits there waiting from a reponce from me any ideas


    Ah aigh i did a program like that 🙂 aigh i gonna give ya the codes today, and I gonan check ya code on monday lol I dont do much on weekends 🙂

    here the codes, it actually to separate one, one is the banner client where you put the nick to ban, the other one is the a the banner exe, it just has a timer that looks for the banwindow to execute, check it out on monaday i check the code and check mines to see if it works 😉


    Thoeriticyy it should work for some reason it will only see the “Ban User” Window after the Yes Button has been pressed or the no after both those buttons has beeen pressed it releaseses control of the program but it seems to sit wiating for me lol feel free Ill post both functions for you there shouldnt be any problems with them i just dont see why it wont see the window at the propriate time yeh well its good to have fun at weekends lol


    Public Function EnumWindowsProc6(ByVal hndle As Long, ByVal parm As Long) As Boolean
    Dim sSave As String, Ret As Long
    Ret = GetWindowTextLength(hndle)
    sSave = Space(Ret)
    GetWindowText hndle, sSave, Ret + 1
    If InStr(sSave, "Ban User") Then
    Lnghnd2 = Str$(hndle)
    BanClass = GetClass(Lnghnd2)
    BanWindow = GetWinTitle(Lnghnd2)
    End If
    EnumWindowsProc6 = True
    End Function
    Public Function PalBan(Optional strClassname1 As String) As Long
    Dim retval As Boolean
    retval = EnumWindows(AddressOf EnumWindowsProc6, 0)
    strClassname1 = GetClass(Lnghnd2)
    PalBan = Lnghnd2
    End Function

    thanks for the codes ill look at them


    I tried this code with paltalk 9.2 but it doesn’t ban user . But if i open the admin window then it bans the user. Could any one help me fix this problem so in one click it does the ban instead of me opening the admin console?Thanks


    I did an example source code here some where in this catagory……


    i fixed it . i had to change the windows class name. Now working :-))


    Hi method …
    i’m new in programming. i have the same problem that you had with fast banner, had to bring up the console window then the code would work. you mentioned you had to change the window class name. are you reffering to “my window class” in form1 ? if yes, i did change it and it still doesn’t work. is it also depends on the version of pal i’m using? i don’t know what version this code was written for. or none of these and i just doing it wrong? lol … last one is more like it, lollol


    got it working

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