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Always Updated with every new build

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  • #189021

    hey guys, just thought i would share something with you all.
    as you proberly know I am remaking a trigger bot, Well while im making the trigger bot i thought of an easy way to keep it upto date with every new paltalk build without having to download a new version of the trigger bot…

    Simple solution that works a treat…. read on…

    it seems with every new build they only change one thing and that is the

    atlfe = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "atl:0053d798", vbNullString)

    what you must take note of is “atl:0053d798” that seems to be the one that changes,

    So what you need to do is the following..

    1. put this in your module

    Global stralfe As String

    and also put this

    Function getupdate(tfilename$)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim text As Integer
    Dim txt As String
    text = FreeFile
    Open tfilename For Input As text
    txt = Input(LOF(text), text)
    getupdate = txt
    Close #text
    End Function

    then change

    atlfe = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "atl:0053d798", vbNullString)


    atlfe = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, stralfe, vbNullString)

    the on your form put

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    stralt = getupdate(App.Path & "Update.txt")
    End Sub

    open your update.txt file and just paste atl:0053d798 (thats for paltalk build 122)
    and next time paltalk updates all the user has to do is download the current Update.txt and it saving having to recode and it saves the user haviong to redownload a new version of your app every time.

    extra note: the Update.txt can also be stored onto a web server and each time your app loads it can be made to collect the info from the web server instead, thus saving the user from downloading anything :O)

    I will be using this in my Paltalk trigger bot , and if you guys want to use this idea then give me credits in your app.

    if you guys need an example code to show you what i mean , just ask and ill post the example of that here on this forum


    here it an other way to send and get pal text with all version.


    Great guys,
    I have to do it some how cause this will save me time 🙂

    Hey nanomachine007 in the findwindow do we need to change
    CTbot to have a part of the paltalk window ❓ or just leave it like that 🙂


    CTbot is a part of window caption of paltalk room(CTbot… is my room name)


    Aigh thanks 🙂


    so in other words just put the string as “- voice room” and you will always get the paltalk voice room that your in or you could put ” – IM Message” then always get the pm windows ect… saves having to know the part of the room name every time


    This is a pain Departure …

    Why not get all the parent classes on LOAD ??

    This way … ATL won’t change … always update to the new ALT ….

    Just a hint 🙂 cheeers


    This is a pain Departure …

    Why not get all the parent classes on LOAD ??

    This way … ATL won’t change … always update to the new ALT ….

    Just a hint Smile cheeers

    well my thoughts also thats why i decided to make the update thingy on the first post of this topic, that code i posted is only updating the
    “ALT” so when i new version comes out then all that is needed is the updated “ALT”…

    I did have a quick look at the code example nanomachine007 posted, nice but it really needs to be modifyed to work without having to choose which richtexta to send and grab the text from…


    Hi Guys,

    This is what I did, and it seems to work fine.

    This finds the chatroom window:

    mywindowclass = FindWindow("my window class", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(mywindowclass, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    atl = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "atl:00504680", vbNullString)
    atlaxwin = FindWindowEx(atl, 0&, "atlaxwin71", vbNullString)
    x = FindWindowEx(atlaxwin, 0&, "#32770", vbNullString)
    richedita = FindWindowEx(x, 0&, "richedit20a", vbNullString)

    If richedita = 0 Then
    mywindowclass = FindWindow("my window class", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(mywindowclass, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    atla = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "atl:0053a788", vbNullString)
    atlaxwin = FindWindowEx(atla, 0&, "atlaxwin71", vbNullString)
    x = FindWindowEx(atlaxwin, 0&, "#32770", vbNullString)
    richedita = FindWindowEx(x, 0&, "richedit20a", vbNullString)
    End If

    If richedita = 0 Then
    mywindowclass = FindWindow("my window class", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(mywindowclass, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    atlb = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "atl:0053b788", vbNullString)
    atlaxwin = FindWindowEx(atlb, 0&, "atlaxwin71", vbNullString)
    x = FindWindowEx(atlaxwin, 0&, "#32770", vbNullString)
    richedita = FindWindowEx(x, 0&, "richedit20a", vbNullString)
    End If

    If richedita = 0 Then
    mywindowclass = FindWindow("my window class", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(mywindowclass, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    ATLD = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "atl:0053d798", vbNullString)
    atlaxwin = FindWindowEx(ATLD, 0&, "atlaxwin71", vbNullString)
    x = FindWindowEx(atlaxwin, 0&, "#32770", vbNullString)
    richedita = FindWindowEx(x, 0&, "richedit20a", vbNullString)
    End If

    And on my machine, it seems to work out with no extra load when finding the window

    Just thought I would share instead of being a lurker.



    intercepter_3, thats only good for earlyer paltalk builds, we are talking about future paltalk without having to update our apps,

    I found a simple solution, but NVYE has a better one to find atl on load, i have not yet found out how this is done , but i have an idea that only requires the user to update a small .txt file and also will work with earlyer version of paltalk, this txt file can be updated by the user or the program can automatically update it self by downloading the txt file from the internet



    I hear what your saying. The only reason I bring it up is there are people who (at least in the circles I run in) are afraid of programs that “Call Home” and will just not use a program that tries to get out of their machine. Even if they are told its only updating part of the program, they will just not use it. There is too much worry about hackerware. I am not trying to offend here, just commenting on the fact that the users I want to reach are very suspecious of programs that call out. Unles of course they paid big bucks for the program. Then its expected. That I dont get, but that is a whole different thread. I just think there is too much paranoia, but since there is a fair amount of people out there who are not savvy enough to know the difference or can tell the difference, they just err on the side of not using the program.

    Just wanted to type out some thoughts.



    i am aware of this, thats why i made it into a .ini file so the user only has to update 1kb file instead of downloading the whole app again, I was only suggesting it could fetch the info from the internet.

    at the end the of the day the .ini files holds ALL past version of paltalk so its backward compatiable, and when i new paltalk build comes out all the user has to do is download the updated .ini file instead of the whole program again.

    I put this this idea into practice and it worked perfect :O) i even gave Admin the source code because he helped me out on the alt handels of past versions,

    but these are just some ideas to over come the paltalk updates. maybe ask lochacker what he thinks about diffrent methods….

    like i said your idea is good ( i posted the same idea about 6 months ago in another topic thats proberly still here) but is limited to only past version of paltalk

    ill have a look for the post i posted last year about using any version of paltalk with your app, its the same method you have. it might have been more than 6 months ago im not sure..

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