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Get the last line of room code

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  • #189017

    Aigh I am doing this for someone, its a cool code it takes the last line of the paltalk room and devides the nick and messege in two boxes, its no biggy I just need it a place to access this code lol so if you guys wants it u can try it too 8)


    no offence loco but this code is snippets put together from other peoples code, and the modules have a lot of un needed code declairing all thoses API’s and 80% of them are not even used.

    good job to make it work anyway :O)


    lol true its all derive from ice icebot and some of your greeter 🙂 lol but I though all the code it has was needed lol trust me it was a lot bigger before lol I though I cut as much as I could 🙂


    loco how to call rooom send when for example a word found in last line ? I be happy if u tell me how to call sendroom without getting in to infinite loop .Thanks

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