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more paltalk shit

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  • #184421

    well was looking for something for loco, didnt find it yet, but i found this on the way.

    Paltalk is currently installing Spyware on everyone’s computer that downloads the program. This Spyware is located in C:PaltalkBtHook.dll authored by SteamCast Networks and is named Morpheus 1.9. If you remove BtHook.dll Paltalk will NOT run. PestPatrol will allow you to quarantine or remove all SpyWare.
    Morpheus Summary: StreamCast Networks counts the number of times its file swappers visit high-profile shopping sites. The company has begun installing a Web browser add-on that sends some Morpheus users on an invisible Web detour aimed at capturing data about file swappers’ surfing habits. Don’t just take my word for it get a free copy of PestPatrol and see for yourself.

    Thus, when a file swapper visits a site such as, or a handful of others, their computer visits a separate site behind the scenes before loading the final destination site. Those separate servers, run by marketing companies including Be Free, count how many times Morpheus users stop by. Source

    Paltalk also installs a Spy cookie called Spyware Cookie. This one can be removed and you will still be able to use paltalk. Both compromise your privacy.

    Page Summary: Computer Pests (and these are) are malicious programs that go beyond typical viruses. Pests are a legal threat to corporations with sites on the Internet. This describes the threats in terms of vicarious liability, negligence, regulation, negative publicity and liability to shareholders. Corporations have abundant incentive to treat Pests with vigilance.

    Although many don’t think about it, it is common sense that managers should have a legal responsibility to police what is happening within their computer systems. This responsibility is manifest through different particular laws in different situations. As computer systems assume an ever-larger role in modern society, the legal system is responding by holding the custodians of those systems accountable for security. The person enforcing that accountability might be a regulator, a shareholder, an employee, a customer or anyone – including a fellow corporate resident of the Internet — who suffers on account of lax security.

    Please note that some cookies save your username as well as password so you need not log in to a site every time you go there these are helpful to some. The above SpyWare is just tracking you for whatever reason.

    Note: Paltalk does not have a corner on Spyware, most websites make use of it. We at respect your privacy and do not feel the need to track our users. No spyware here folks ….:)

    We urge all to get a free copy of PestPatrol

    Below is response I received on Thursday, July 29, 2004 11:17 AM from someone claiming to represent Paltalk, take it for what it is worth? Also please see THIS page.

    Regarding our page that discusses bthook.dll,

    the Paltalk application uses this file for controlling the global hot key, and nothing more, key capture logging is incompatible with our privacy agreement.

    In a future release we will no longer be including a file named bthook.dll because of the many pages such as yours spreading this info. We will still have a global hot key dll in our new application because this functionality is very important to our user base.
    Lester Vecsey
    212 564 9997 x 211
    bliptune (paltalk)

    Update 11/04/04 It appears they have removed the spyware or at least hid it better but Paltalk Management in my opinion are still Bigots! See This!

    Update 11/14/04

    Paltalk appears to no longer be installing Spyware but now they are installing Adware in C/Program files/Paltalk/pnetaware. This in the form of a Trojan according to PestPatroll see below.

    About this File…
    Our Filename: 1
    Size: 4860
    Our Filedate: 10/22/1990
    PVT: 1487172996
    MD5: 13e7ca299af8f087c6f80c410a49544c
    About this Pest…
    Score: *
    PestName: Trojan.CD-IT
    Category: Trojan. Any program with a hidden intent. Trojans are one of the leading causes of breaking into machines. If you pull down a program from a chat room, new group, or even from unsolicited e-mail, then the program is likely trojaned with some subversive purpose. The word Trojan can be used as a verb: To trojan a program is to add subversive functionality to an existing program. For example, a trojaned login program might be programmed to accept a certain password for any user’s account that the hacker can use to log back into the system at any time. Rootkits often contain a suite of such trojaned programs.
    Release Date: 2/18/1990

    *A score of 0-5 is considered “safe”, 6-14 “suspicious”, and 15+ “dangerous.” If no score is provided, this file has not yet been rated. For info on the meaning of other variables, click here

    PestName: Trojan.CD-IT
    Category: Trojan. Any program with a hidden intent. Trojans are one of the leading causes of breaking into machines. If you pull down a program from a chat room, new group, or even from unsolicited e-mail, then the program is likely trojaned with some subversive purpose. The word Trojan can be used as a verb: To trojan a program is to add subversive functionality to an existing program. For example, a trojaned login program might be programmed to accept a certain password for any user’s account that the hacker can use to log back into the system at any time. Rootkits often contain a suite of such trojaned programs.
    Release Date: 2/18/1990

    *A score of 0-5 is considered “safe”, 6-14 “suspicious”, and 15+ “dangerous.” If no score is provided, this file has not yet been rated. For info on the meaning of other variables, click here

    Adware: Software that brings ads to your computer. Such ads may or may not be targeted, but are “injected” and/or popup, and are not displayed within the form of an ad-sponsored application. Some Adware may hijack the ads of other companies, replacing them with its own. See also Spyware, Browser Helper Object.

    Personally I don’t use the program any longer because of This. Paltalk is a haven for hackers and many have sites reflecting this, look Here to see what I mean. If you are a novice to the net my advice is to stay away from Paltalk. I now use the new Yahoo messenger it has much more to offer. However if you choose to use it get a copy of SuperAdBlocker It kills all of their popup ads….:)

    of course these are posts from a website, if you dont believe me, here is the link..


    they put spyware on ur pc, thats how u delete them lol

    CrAzY MoFo

    they do more den just that paltalk is a fucking spyware lol spyeware in ur internet c drive start menu registry all over 😛


    i know man I hate spyware, paltalk is a spyware even tho they denied, lol like their site says 100% spyware free bullshit lol,

    Thanks for the info sk8ter :0


    try deleting all the things that make the firealls i added, all that dll and thing to see if paltall still works, maybe the only way it will work is for spyware to work on ur pc.u may be able to spy on paltalk that way to.

    CrAzY MoFo

    ya ive tryed to use a scanner on apltalk but then it deleted paltalk right off my computer lmao maybe its spyware free with the progran they using but not the good programs….but i know where to find there spyware so im safe 😛


    yeah we know paltalk have spyware.. but what about that using this spyware to remote the other paltalk users’ computers 😉


    well it was worth a shot, now we know where they are, try opening one of the files, look at it lol.see what they get on ur pc.thats how i got half of my shit done.

    CrAzY MoFo

    i heard u can hack threw the palnetaware that sits in the botton right hand side tray by the clock 😛 dunno if its true but u probably could lol


    palnetaware is no longer being used in the paltalk software and there never was any kinda spyware in that file 🙄 dont believe me go get 553 or and older version of paltalk with the palnetaware and open it when Resourcehack =)~ bthook.dll was the only spyware that was proven your new spyware for paltalk is the client itsself

    UDG Clan

    man just get spyware docatr and get the crack and it will block them


    thats not the point carlos, we jus want u guys to be informed

    CrAzY MoFo

    ya syxx i wasent to sure i use paltalk 7 and paltalk 553 n thats wot i heard never looked into it tho n paltalk has so much hidden shit in there program cuz i used a spy n saw a hidden join group invisable button on the group list in pms theres hidden bmps on ru pallist in pm theres a hidden mic locker n loads more paltalks a fucking joke if it wasent 4 there spyware they wouldnt be able to tell wot rooms we been in in the last 3-4 months wot we running on are computers n wouldnt be able to ban us n they think they all that they wouldnt be shit without the spyware lol


    i am jus doing this so ppl know about paltalk b4 they screw anything up


    man all u guys r right paltalk is notin but spyware shit

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