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more then one user in room

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  • #183843

    hi last night i was in paltalk room there was a person with ablout 25 id in the same room and he was able to talk on mic with each idi
    any body know where to get this prog i pay for it


    umm damn so they doing it again, I need to find out and see how they did it, ehhe cause thats a mad cool trick, what rooms they usually on ❓


    @Admin wrote:

    umm damn so they doing it again, I need to find out and see how they did it, ehhe cause thats a mad cool trick, what rooms they usually on ❓

    lol it stoped working now . :-)) i wonder what paltalk is doing that one time we can enter the same room with many names and later we can not ?


    he is seeing a girl called blaqque in the social issues room

    therefore, he gets to add niks in the room, and also,,,,close paltalk at whim! 😉


    yes theguy stil doing it he come in room with may be 10 name and raiz hiz hand grab the mic and does what ever h wants give me your idi so i add you then you can see that with your own eye


    i talk to him to prof that he can bring any number of name in the same room he loged in the same room probebly maybe 40 or mor it is like voce igi in yahoo that you can bring az many bot az you want i have stb which does the same thnig but not in pal let me know guys i asure you guy that it is posible he is not login with difrent server or whatever the name comes to room very fast

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