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  • #179976

    New Paltalk Cam Spy Beta coming out tell me how u like it 😀 😈

    check it out >>>>><<<<<" alt="" />


    hmmm…. and how do you plan on getting the persons Paltalk IP? being how paltalk uses there router IP only thing you will get is the router ip not the person so not that great of a spy program however i can tell you many ways you can still get it but then again not many will take a *exe from people on paltalk so… there again its i nice ideal but i just dont see how your going to work this all out being i know how and where you get all your pre-codes from. so i dont see how a person like you will be able to do it.


    well u got a good point this program uses a server but there is some ipstealers out there that send you a persons ip in the mail so yea easy as that u just bind it with the server i know a lot of people dont accept exes but if u know hot to change the extension of the file it will work


    yea do you even know what your talking about you think that your good enough of a programmer that you can code something in do that look made a *.exe look like *.jpg? i think not proof me wrong but make sure you code and and not someone who really made and you got it from.


    do people need to install the server or just click on it to activate it ?


    hahaha damn dude stop talking ur bullshit u make me laugh as i said before if u dont like my shit dont download and dont go talk shit to everybody and desrespect them ok cuz u not the only one who knows programming so stop talking anymore of ur shit


    could u guys re post the download link for this program.Thanks


    hey hey cant see no link here guys …

    can anyone re post it ?


    If this program cannot get us the ip & connect to cam thens its worthless to me.

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