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  • #179946

    check out my new paltalkfirewallbeta been working on it for a while and decided to release it tell me how you like it if you find any bugs plzz report this is a beta version of it 😀


    ok oakland heres a bug report

    the prog doesnt work and i think u need help with loading forms and closing em because the small windows REMAINS open
    so i really dont get how YOU , YOURSELF cant juss spot the errors


    @Crashypoo wrote:

    ok oakland heres a bug report

    the prog doesnt work and i think u need help with loading forms and closing em because the small windows REMAINS open
    so i really dont get how YOU , YOURSELF cant juss spot the errors

    thats cause he leeches code…. by the way thanks OAKLAND_SENCO but people already know im a faggot thats why they like me and not you pal 🙂 Admin why do you even allow this kid to stay for this kid just leechs code then starts fights with others i think if im remain here as a user that you want to stay then he needs a talking to or im giving my rights as a user and admin here i cant deal with this kid. running his mouth and nothing is done to him. lets not forget he tryed to say he coded all theses programs and there all stolen 2 are mine and if i see there posted here i’ll delete them as for his web host i been trying to get a hold of them to make them tell this kid to remove them since they are mine and i can give they are anyway…. Hopefully they will suspend his account or something heh… OAKLAND_SENCO is a lame Pedophile who likes them paltalk teenies needs a bullet in his head. by the way the only why your going to put a stop to fighting is banning… deleting posts can go back up.


    syxx I agree with you to some point, BUT i also know you have stolen code from planet source code, (as we ALL have) and that you must understand hes a n00B to Vb and is still learning, you can see it in his outlay the procedures he uses. Anyway what im trying say that we where all n00Bs at one point and instead of Slammin him in text try and help him instead.

    And as for you OAKLAND_SENCO you should’nt go around claiming stuff thats NOT yours, anyone can join snippets of code together but that does not make them a programmer. I undestand your leaning and you want to be E-leet like me :OP Just joking, But you have to put the time to learn, Most of the coders here have coded for at least 2 to 3 years and when someone like you comes along after coding for 1 or 2 months and rips there code off, then ofcause they are going to pissed off. these people have taken many hours making these codes.

    Anyway i did notice your account with your web host have been suspended. maybe thats good a thing???


    ROFL they suspended his account finally after the complaints i made…
    by the way i have admited that a few of the app i got where from PSC never said they weren’t the ad blocker is and leo from smart-hack give me the code to the remote spy i didn’t get it from PSC another then that the rest i made with help from you but not much of it was code that you gave.


    I dont think i have ever gave you code syxx, I have only showed you ways about making code for paltalk ect…. Giving people code is too easy, thats why i like to show people howto instead of giving snippets.

    Anyway syxx i know you have coded with VB for atleast 2 years that i know of, and i know that OAKLAND_TREE ripped some of your code, hey the dude has some of my icons on his programs hahaha. and spycam is straight from planet source code heheh i also have the example code from planet source and hes only changed the interface a little bit


    yeah i think he aint commin back to the net again after syxx used drastic measures by bringin the authority into this lmao jk


    na he will find a new free web host that i can report to again for having copyrighted codes… he wants to be a lil girl so can i.

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