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Registration Quick Filler Program

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  • #180022

    This a cool program to fill nick registration quicly, all u do is set the info like email and password and it has an option to add numbers at the end of the nick an email and more check it.

    To use it go to the registration form of paltalk, you know when u see the logon screen of palk click where it says New User? Get Nickname click on that and the registration for will appear then se the program 😉

    Oh if u find any bugs please report them here okie 🙂


    I found a damn bug lol, when the auto submit option is on Yes paltalk isntalls the damn My search bar 🙂 I hate that, I though I fix it, but I guess I didnt anyways I try to fix later on, so if you hate the My Search Bar like I do just uninstall it on your add and remove program option of your windows

    And wait tyl later today to see if I fix this

    Oh if auto submit is on no you wont have the problem 🙂

    Ah auto submit is an option for the program to submit to paltalk registration automatically without you havent to click on the submit button of the registration form 🙂

    😡 I hate my searchbar

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