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  • #178507

    @LoCNiNjA wrote:

    you bring up taskmanager when the prog is running go to process tab and find PalPalpal.exe the right click it then select set priority->realtime it will give you a warning then go back to the prog and click the button then you should 😈 have 8 appear but try this out for me please 8)

    I have taken a look in to making the set priority bit intergrated with the prog its self now not sure but i thinkthis might be a better version take alook 😈


    I managed to get 7 screens wit ur update. and brought up 6 regularly then seemed to dwindle down to 3 and 2 and i even got 1 login screen twice…lol. but u keep trying and u get 4 or 5. so basically u still gotta play wit it if u really want a lot of screns.. but at the very least its not worse than the last one and seems it may even be a little better cus i managed to get 7. 😀

    💡 U should try to make it so that when u are already logged on or already have PT login screens that u can do it again to bring up more so u keep doin it and get 100 of them lol.

    Or make a prog that allows you to use the regular PT icon. u already have PT opened and u can open it again and again. hows that sound? can u tackle it?


    dam man it sounds like you want the world I am getting board of this to be honist got to figuer out other stuff but will keep it on the back burner 8)


    Ninja,ty so much . it is working up to a point,in my case 😥
    I can get 8 windows but when i’m trying to log in WIN is sending me a error message stating that PalTalk has encounter some erros and needs to close.
    What am I doing wrong ? 😳


    uhh, you using paltalk… thats a problem in itself…


    @Ghost wrote:

    uhh, you using paltalk… thats a problem in itself…

    wow,that is what i call AN ANSWER !!!


    @poison_a wrote:

    Ninja,ty so much . it is working up to a point,in my case 😥
    I can get 8 windows but when i’m trying to log in WIN is sending me a error message stating that PalTalk has encounter some erros and needs to close.
    What am I doing wrong ? 😳

    firstley your letting it auto log in and its trying to log in twice as the sam person take the tick out of the save password box and try again 8)


    yes, thats what i do…try to provied you with all my knowladge to the best of my ability!

    @the penis sucker wrote:

    @The Best Person In The World – Ghost wrote:

    uhh, you using paltalk… thats a problem in itself…

    wow,that is what i call AN ANSWER !!!


    Ninja,ty for ur reply. I’ll try it .

    Ghost , i joined this forum to try to learn something not to screw or insult u or any of it’s member and/or admins.
    If i am disturbing anyone,well,just block my account,i am doing that in my own forum.Oh,and btw, I am a female,not that makes any difference,but try,at least,act like a wont hurt u !


    i joined this forum to mock every one on here and make fun of people trying to get green nicks…so far, ive had fun in doing so…

    Ghost , i joined this forum to try to learn something not to screw or insult u or any of it’s member and/or admins.

    as for ur remark about being a female, your right, it makes no diffrence, i will still treat you just the same.

    I am a female,not that makes any difference

    actually, it may hurt..see, i tried it once, i was in the hospital the next day with transverse myelitis and couldnt walk…so, i feel it may hurt me the next time.

    but try,at least,act like a wont hurt u !


    Well,good news for u .
    I am a doctor so i can give u some advices (no kidding ,i am a real pediatrician and i guess u still under peds observation ).


    @poison_a wrote:

    Well,good news for u .
    I am a doctor so i can give u some advices (no kidding ,i am a real pediatrician and i guess u still under peds observation ).

    Hey are you really a girl and a doctor and free and single cos i am sick of getting my dick sucked by Ghost he uses his teeth and he always wants me to kiss his ugly mug after lol don’t be offended by him he really ain’t that bad …… when he’s gone away 😆 hey and don’t tell him you have access to children or he’ll be calling you up day and night 🙄


    Ninja,it worked according to ur last post. ty again !

    PS: guys,dont be such “sweethearts”,i might fall in love with u 😈


    😳 erm thats the plan i think ➡ ➡ 😉 😉


    thank u
    but its not working
    i get a error
    and in the end of error message:

    ************** JIT Debugging **************
    To enable just in time (JIT) debugging, the config file for this
    application or machine (machine.config) must have the
    jitDebugging value set in the section.
    The application must also be compiled with debugging

    For example:

    When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
    will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the machine
    rather than being handled by this dialog.

    (setup bat is not working, when i open it i just get a black things and it close fast)
    plz help

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