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Use GetListviewItem to get user nick and it's index

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  • #187347

    I am working on a paltalk talk timer lol and I was trying to do it one way, which so far is kinda like a disaster 🙂 so now i am going another way, but to do that I want to get the user nick which can be done with this code, but can i use the same code to get also the user index, ya know its position, like 0,1,2 ect check the code to get the nick

    in the code ya will see this line

    Text16 = Here where i need to add a code to get the user index ;)

    wha the heck i need to do to get the nick index before i added 🙄


    Public Function GetListviewItem(ByVal lstviewhwnd As Long) As String
    Dim result As Long
    Dim myItem As LV_ITEMA
    Dim pHandle As Long
    Dim pStrBufferMemory As Long
    Dim pMyItemMemory As Long
    Dim strBuffer() As Byte
    Dim Index As Long
    Dim tmpString, tmp2 As String
    Dim strLength As Long
    Dim ProcessID As Long
    Dim ItemCount, i As Long
    'init the string buffer
    ReDim strBuffer(MAX_LVMSTRING)
    'open a handle to the process and allocate the string buffer
    Call GetWindowThreadProcessId(lstviewhwnd, ProcessID)
    pStrBufferMemory = VirtualAllocEx(pHandle, 0, MAX_LVMSTRING, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)
    'initialize the local LV_ITEM structure
    'The myItem.iSubItem member is set to the index of the column that is being retrieved
    myItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT
    myItem.iSubItem = 2
    myItem.pszText = pStrBufferMemory
    myItem.cchTextMax = MAX_LVMSTRING
    'write the structure into the remote process's memory space
    pMyItemMemory = VirtualAllocEx(pHandle, 0, Len(myItem), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)
    ItemCount = SendMessage(lstviewhwnd, LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0&, 0&)
    For i = 0 To ItemCount - 1
    result = WriteProcessMemory(pHandle, pMyItemMemory, myItem, Len(myItem), 0)
    'send the get the item message and write back the memory space
    result = SendMessage(lstviewhwnd, LVM_GETITEMTEXT, i, ByVal pMyItemMemory)
    result = ReadProcessMemory(pHandle, pStrBufferMemory, strBuffer(0), MAX_LVMSTRING, 0)
    result = ReadProcessMemory(pHandle, pMyItemMemory, myItem, Len(myItem), 0)
    'turn the byte array into a string and send it back
    For Index = LBound(strBuffer) To UBound(strBuffer)
    If Chr(strBuffer(Index)) = vbNullChar Then Exit For
    tmpString = tmpString & Chr(strBuffer(Index))
    tmp2 = tmp2 & Chr(strBuffer(Index))
    Next Index
    tmp2 = Replace(tmp2, "@", "")
    Text17 = tmp2
    Text16 = Here where i need to add a code to get the user index ;)
    tmp2 = ""
    'deallocate the memory and close the process handle
    result = VirtualFreeEx(pHandle, pStrBufferMemory, 0, MEM_RELEASE)
    result = VirtualFreeEx(pHandle, pMyItemMemory, 0, MEM_RELEASE)
    result = CloseHandle(pHandle)
    If Len(tmpString) > 0 Then GetListviewItem = tmpString
    End Function


    And I am calling with this

    Function NickGet()
    Dim dlggroupchatwindowclass As Long, wtlsplitterwindow As Long, atldd As Long
    Dim syslistview As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    dlggroupchatwindowclass = FindWindow("DlgGroupChat Window Class", Form1.Text1)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(dlggroupchatwindowclass, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    atldd = GetWindow(wtlsplitterwindow, GW_CHILD)
    syslistview = FindWindowEx(atldd, 0&, "syslistview32", vbNullString)
    Call GetListviewItem(syslistview)
    End Function

    Thanks for ya help 🙂


    There’s a LVM_FINDITEM but since it’s sub item 2 u probably need to loop and compare it yourself.
    Why you need it for? the mic is always 1st.


    I am trying to get the user status liek if they talking ect… and I think i did it 🙂 i made it liek this on the GetListviewItem function I change some part of the code to this

            Call getuserstatus2
    Text17.Text = CStr(CLng(Text17.Text) + 1)
    tmp2 = Replace(tmp2, "@", "")
    Text16 = tmp2
    tmp2 = ""

    ya see i added another texbox and it starts at 0 then it adds one for every next lol 🙂 then i use another code to get the status call getuserstatus2 i think was gallatica that made it and call it with this

    Private Function getuserstatus2()
    Dim dlggroupchatwindowclass As Long, wtlsplitterwindow As Long, atldd As Long
    Dim syslistview As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    dlggroupchatwindowclass = FindWindow("DlgGroupChat Window Class", Form1.Combo1.Text)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(dlggroupchatwindowclass, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    atldd = GetWindow(wtlsplitterwindow, GW_CHILD)
    syslistview = FindWindowEx(atldd, 0&, "syslistview32", vbNullString)
    Call GetUserStat2(syslistview, Text17)
    'Call GetUserStat(syslistview, 1)
    End Function

    and the fucntion for that is this

    Public Function GetUserStat2(ByVal lstviewhwnd As Long, ByVal item As Integer) As String
    Dim result As Long
    Dim myItem As LV_ITEMA
    Dim pHandle As Long
    Dim pMyItemMemory As Long
    Dim ProcessID As Long
    ' Dim ItemCount, i As Long

    'open a handle to the process and allocate the string buffer
    Call GetWindowThreadProcessId(lstviewhwnd, ProcessID)

    'initialize the local LV_ITEM structure
    'The myItem.iSubItem member is set to the index of the column that is being retrieved
    myItem.mask = LVIF_IMAGE Or LVIF_STATE
    myItem.iItem = item
    myItem.iSubItem = 1
    myItem.stateMask = &HFFFF
    'write the structure into the remote process's memory space
    pMyItemMemory = VirtualAllocEx(pHandle, 0, Len(myItem), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)
    'ItemCount = SendMessage(lstviewhwnd, LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0&, 0&)

    result = WriteProcessMemory(pHandle, pMyItemMemory, myItem, Len(myItem), 0)

    'send the get the item message and write back the memory space
    result = SendMessage(lstviewhwnd, LVM_GETITEM, item, ByVal pMyItemMemory)
    result = ReadProcessMemory(pHandle, pMyItemMemory, myItem, Len(myItem), 0)

    Text11 = myItem.iImage ' image index in listview of paltalk (example :5 raise hand, 7 mute speaker, 4 holding mic)

    'deallocate the memory and close the process handle

    result = VirtualFreeEx(pHandle, pMyItemMemory, 0, MEM_RELEASE)

    result = CloseHandle(pHandle)

    End Function

    now i made it so the program only will add users with their hands up, just add this on a textbox

    If Text11 = "5" Then
    List2.AddItem Text16
    End If

    And it works perfect 🙂 aigh I should be finish by next week is gonna kick asz lol


    And why GetUserStat2 is not declared “As Integer”?
    Best combine them to get the name and image at the same time, one call for text and the other for image will save you some virtualalloc/free and openprocess/closehandle calls, and
    return one with the function and the other ByRef or both ByRef and the function return a boolen if it failed or succeeded.
    If you doing it all in a loop it’s even better if you arrange your lists between the virtualalloc/free, to save even more time/cpu.
    And i don’t think you need LVIF_STATE i don’t see you use the state at all.


    ah is the GetUserStat2 is a function 🙂 I was trying to put them all togeher on the GetListviewItem function and not success lol 🙂 but if i add them will it search for 5 cause i also need to search for 8 and 4 🙂 heehhe 😆


    Well i need to see the code to understand what u tryin to do.
    Basiacally you are only interested in the 1st item if u check for mic.
    BTW the mic icon not always steady on so u need to check several times a second, and not decide it dropped immediately if it’s not on but give it a time out. Save last time u saw it on and only if not on for 5 seconds then it’s down.
    Also users may cover mic or reddot with a hand up.


    think about it loco, the person holding the mic is always at index 0 in the subitem of the systemlistview, so as chike suggested you need to get the image index number of the subitem index 0 (username) I don’t remember what subitem the images are in paltalk(integer) but you need to get this to determine if the user on top the list has the mic or not, and yes very good pick up by chike to note the fact the mic is not stable all the time and therefor needs a time out period.


    First you need a plan, every good program begin with a good design.
    Do you want it to habdle the queue for mic automatically or manually? e.g. it picks up the 1st hand up to be next or the admin chooses from the list’ or it can be auto with manual ovveride. Does it needs to be prepared to handle mic jumpers and admins reddot? This adds some complications.
    Other features?
    After you have it all decided make a states/events flow chart (yes yes on paper, board or with a software,) and user interface required, then coding is much easier.
    This process is very important part of programing. It saves time and potential bugs and unneeded coding, even though you may still find flows you haven’t thank of and go back to the drwaing board.


    Deps, I already got it so it check the first nick to see if they talking or hands up, the list that i am getting with this code is the waiting list, so lets say ya start the program it will automatically add the one that is talking to the a textbox as the current talker, the others one with their hands up will be added to the waiting list 🙂 now once the time is over the next in line in the waiting list which is the one in the waiting listbox with inedx one will be aloud to talk, so if lets say the third one in the waiting list jusmps the mic they wiull be told to let the one in first to talk other whise they will be mute.

    Ah this the tricky part the damn jumpers that are not in the list will be mute automatically, also the program will not be updating the waiting list continually, it will only updated after the first line of people waiting to talk is empty, so the program will check if waiting list is empty then call function to full waiting list again that way it makes sure there arent people the just put their hands up to jump the mic lol

    man :mrgreen: is goign to be a mess lol


    ah forget that waiting list lol too much but chek this mess out i havent clean it but ya can see where i am goign 🙂

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