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Ban Remover2 Updated Version for Paltalk 9.5

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  • #192397

    Hello.Now that 8.5 paltalk dont work anymore i dont know a method that can remove a bounce from a room. I have tryed all methods i know with anti ban ban removers programs, with proxies, another IP, changing mac adress, changing HD Serial, deleting or changing some keys from registry like these ways

    Rc-438 Ban

    Big ban easy to get out tho lol click your “START” Button then choose “RUN”, in the run box type “REGEDIT”, Now your in your registry locate this key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurr entVersion and change your “ProductId”… Now all you need to do is change your HD Serials with the program i have linked for you

    Rc-r1407 Ban

    This one is easypeasy … click your “START” Button then choose “RUN”, in the run box type “REGEDIT”, Now your in your registry locate this key HKEY_CURRENT_USERAppEventsEventLabels and delete the string called “Incoming-Fax”, all done… Remember use a new nick not the banned one!

    etc. But nothing working anymore… 🙁 I believe that bounce and bans from rooms must have something to do with registry, because if i will format my pc, then i can go back to room which i was ban with another nickname of course.. But which keys exactly? I think paltalk have changing them with new.

    I think that was good idea if someone could updated this program Ban Remover2 which have worked perfect with versions 8.5 and 9.2 of paltalk and all i had to do was the first step (Clear Registry) change IP and then i was back in room 🙂 I hope someone could help with these…

    Or if someone knew a method to remove ban froma new paltalk 9.5. Ty 🙂

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