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  • #188918

    hey …
    I am thinking about learning how to make programs…and how to code stuff but i dont know how to start .. is there like certin books ? website or anything ? .. and i dont need any of u ppl who gonan reply saying …hahhaa look at that lamer or something.


    man, its cool you aint no lamer everybody has to start somewhere, aigh check this tutorial you will see how easy is to program in vb thas the language u should first start with, check this

    now thas just basic, thas just to show u how the process of making a program works, the next thing after that is geting other people code, you can find lots in the vb programming section of this forum, then u study them.

    and one huge tip lol, use this site to find out how to do stuff. like lets say you want to do a particular task all you do is go to the site make a topic asking how to do this and u should get great help, but first start reading the tutorial then u take the next steps.

    ah u need to buy vb 6.0 on limewire or kazaa ๐Ÿ˜‰


    in my experience when you learn a new programming language, first thing to learn it’s how to declare your variable like dim and redim in vb.

    and how to read write text file and binary file and some loop statement like for, while…

    after you can go in advance and getting source code from other to adapte their code as your needed.

    i always do this steps when i jumb in new programming language 8)


    Thanks loco and nano .. been a big help ..


    go here and follow each tutorial from 1 – ….ect in that order and you will learn vb very quick, its flash movies, so you will nedd flash player installed, and dont worry they are’nt too large


    thanks Departure the videos really help i know a lot about
    basic things in the program but now i gotta get to the harder stuff


    Find this to teach nothing of Paltalk programming this wont get anyone wanting to know how to make paltalk programs any where however some of the things in there i guess are cool if wanting to learn something outside paltalk programming. Being that is i thought this was a place to learn paltalk programming and not something far from it. If that is the cause then i could make some tutorials on off topic programming outside of paltalk.


    Right now i have no intrest in paltalk programs…


    you must learn the basic of VB first before going onto paltalk, You can’nt just learn paltalk programming without even knowing what your doing…..

    Wait a minute yes you can.. and your living proof syx


    Thanks point proven.


    ok i learned lots of stuff about vb …. so now how can istart with paltalk programing ? ๐Ÿ˜†


    Well the best thing to do is study some of the paltalk codes, at list thas how i lean ๐Ÿ™‚


    u mean look at the source codes by other people ?

    I am looking at them now..and i dont think that helps


    lol, man thas how I learn like what you stuck at, I mean wha type of program you have in mind?


    if you want do a programm for paltalk, U have just use 3,4 api functions. I agree with u, the code on this forum for beginner is like a forest ๐Ÿ˜† dont take it offense lol loco, I dont said your style programming is bad but I think for beginner is very hard to understand what is the code does because some code are there for nothing.

    if U want deal with pt window, try to read document about FindWindow, FindWindowEx, SendMessage and some api constants like WM_SETTEXT,WM_GETTEXT…

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