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Need help with VB code

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  • #187463


    I have a code for VB but i don’t know where do i have to past it to work

    the code is for paltalk but where do i have to put the code?
    in a software?
    in a directory????


    Put it there ->

    Look if you wanna get any useful response you need express yourself clearly. What is it that you have and what you wanna do with it


    For example

    i downloaded this file

    i guess thie file will let me know a room code

    i’ve download the file and it gave me a code like this

    Attribute VB_Name = "modPaltalk"
    Option Explicit
    Public Declare Function GetWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32" Alias "GetClassNameA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Function EnumWindows Lib "user32" (ByVal lpEnumFunc As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Boolean

    Global lngRhWnd As Long ' global to store handle
    Global strWindowTitle As String ' global to store title
    Global strClassname As String ' global to store class

    Private Function EnumWindowsProc(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Boolean
    Dim sSave As String, Ret As Long
    Ret = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd)
    sSave = Space(Ret)
    GetWindowText hWnd, sSave, Ret + 1
    If InStr(sSave, " Group") Then
    lngRhWnd = Str$(hWnd)
    strClassname = GetClass(lngRhWnd)
    strWindowTitle = GetWinTitle(lngRhWnd)
    End If
    EnumWindowsProc = True
    End Function

    Public Function GetPalWindow(Optional strClassname As String) As Long
    Dim retval As Boolean
    retval = EnumWindows(AddressOf EnumWindowsProc, 0)
    strClassname = GetClass(lngRhWnd)
    GetPalWindow = lngRhWnd
    End Function

    Private Function GetClass(hWnd As Long)
    Dim sSave As String, intLenRet As Integer
    sSave = Space(256)
    intLenRet = GetClassName(hWnd, sSave, 256)
    GetClass = Left$(sSave, intLenRet)
    End Function

    Private Function GetWinTitle(hWnd As Long) As String
    GetWinTitle = GetText(hWnd)
    End Function

    Private Function GetText(lnghWnd As Long) As String
    Dim TheText As String, TL As Long, XT As Long
    TL = GetWindowTextLength(lnghWnd)
    TheText = String(TL + 1, " ")
    XT = GetWindowText(lnghWnd, TheText, TL + 1)
    TheText = Left(TheText, TL)
    GetText = TheText
    End Function

    and this code is for paltalk
    i want to know where do i have to put this code to work

    it’s a VB code

    do you undresyand?

    thank you


    And just another thing

    yesterday i was in paltalk, i open a room and after like 15 min 5 people came on my room as admin with an @ and they gave me red dot and they started to say bad words

    and after maybe 10 min they even hack my account i could not log in the password was change

    I just want to know how they did it?
    is this possible to get admin code of a room?

    Thank you


    Since you keep asking “where” to put the code, I’m gonna guess that you don’t have VB installed.
    You need to open the code that you downloaded with VB.

    I just want to know how they did it?
    is this possible to get admin code of a room?

    Same as in the other thread that you posted this is in ….. no


    @String wrote:

    Since you keep asking “where” to put the code, I’m gonna guess that you don’t have VB installed.
    You need to open the code that you downloaded with VB.

    I just want to know how they did it?
    is this possible to get admin code of a room?

    Same as in the other thread that you posted this is in ….. no

    I have the Visual Basic and i opened on the program

    but its kind of text or code

    after this what do i have to do


    Then run the code. Or, compile the project and run it.


    @String wrote:

    Then run the code. Or, compile the project and run it.

    thanks for your help

    but how??
    i have to go to file? edit? tools? where

    sorry and thank you again


    If you are not familiar enough with programing to know how to run your code or compile it, then perhaps you need to do a search for a good tutorial. You can probably find one by searching this forum.

    You can compile your code from the “File” menu item, and run the code from the “Run” menu item.


    check the section .> vb toturtle >> my first programe >>> learn the basic first when you familier with vb … read read read help …. :d good luck 😉

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