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Paltalk Triviabot updates

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  • #180439

    umm, to get the hint in the room, the person has to type q-hint! then the hint willl be send to the room when the person types that.

    what u mean the answer wont go when no one knows the answer, 🙂 I think I should put like a timer to how long it would take to answer, or like a delete the answer thing 🙂 real good point I do that.

    about having numbers to each question I have to check into that too loll. good points u made bro:

    This is my trivia I think you probably talking about h2k trivia 🙂 it was much more advance, but ask of the feautures you like And I will try to make it for ya okie 🙂


    Okie I updated it again now if you want you can go to next question, if nobody answers the question.

    but check this lol lets say you in a room and no one know the answer all the have to do is type n-q! and it will add a request of next question to the program, and let say the admins sets the request number needed to go to next question is 4, well after 4 people ask for next question with n-q! then the next question will be send, the admin can change the amoun of how many request needed okie.

    also if they want to find out how many request are needed for next question all they have to do is tyr r-n! then the program will send a messege of how many request are needed lol

    and there is a button on the program so if u an admin all you have to do is click it and the next question will be send okie.

    Also I added an option to numbering your question, when you click on editor you will see what I mean, this will number the question but be carefull when you use this optin, I still working on it. it got some bugs like when you click on number question button twice it willnumber it 2 lol so be care ful, I will make it better when I have more time okie.

    here how it looks now


    Hey there, great bot

    I was just wondering if it would be possible to have an ongoing score check when someone gets a correct answer.

    eg Correct Answer Stormfan your score is 1.



    also, the colour changer for the correct answers isnt working .. sorry[/b]


    Thanks stormfan 🙂

    Thas a cool I dea, i will do it today

    About the correct answer coloring, did you highlighted the text before you try to color it ❓ thtas the way it works 😀


    how do I adjust the font and colour of the line

    “The winner is Stormfan with score of 43.”

    sorry .. this trivia bot thing is all new to me


    okie here another update now it will tell the score after each correct answer, 🙂
    next I will put like coloring and stuff to all the other text it going to take like 3 days lol its a lot of work will see 🙂

    but here it is the latest update


    I dunno how it is done … but if you added the line …

    The winner is Stormfan with score of 43.

    after the “Game Over” line, just as Game over follows the answer to the last question.

    It might be easier to do it that way, might not take 3 days either…. lol

    But as I do not know much about programming I could be completely fucking it up without even doing it. ❓ ❗ ❓ ❗ ❓ ❗

    Anyways, its only a though, and THANKS, the score tally thing works great.

    Sorry again 😀


    lol, its algood man we programmers love feedback,

    hey you mean color the line about the winner after game over thats it, I can do that today lol if thats wha u mean 🙂


    Yeah dude 😀 , thats what i meant


    lol okie let me do it now 🙂


    lol updated, now u can change the font of the messege of the game winner check it 🙂

    To use the the new function just click on the messge editor fucntion a new window will open, you can edit the messge there 🙂


    dude, what can I say. Its a work of art.

    I am sure people will appreciate it as much as I do.

    If I think of anything else that I think would help to improve this bot any further, I will let you know.

    Meanwhile . . . If ya wanna look me up on Paltalk sometime … feel free.

    Stormfan 😀


    Thanks man,

    If you think of anything else just ask, lol

    My nick on paltalk is Admin 🙂


    thx so much 4 all ur great workz 🙂

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