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Select Nick On Paltalk Listview Code FInally :)

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  • #188693

    Aigh here ya go 🙂 this code would do this select the room then join the room then send a messege then close the room then unselect the room.

    Ah dont do this on search cause in search its different I need to updated it so it works in search so just go into the categories aigh.

    🙂 the room spammer is getting closer lol. Ah this code is a mess and need cleanup but i was in a hurry but it does the job lol

    aigh check it


    loco nice one but how to move the selection forward so we can send massage ro range or rooms/? also in your new upgrade can u add that option of clicking the join button instead of the way u did it. Since that would will remove room loading for black names . I could not click on that. Also i uploaded u the code that works for room search u see it in my previouse post.


    Ah I havent done it so its scrolls, prob tomorrow it should be easy since i can use the multy room fucker code and add the codes and walla 🙂

    so u want it to work for search and category too ❓


    Also, the join room button I dont seem to be able to make it visible after selection, Its weird the only way it can appear is if I click myself on the room then the join button will appear lol so the loading thing will still appear, untyl I can figure that part out, aigh I ma outy going to the beach today ehheh 😆


    @Admin wrote:

    Ah I havent done it so its scrolls, prob tomorrow it should be easy since i can use the multy room fu**er code and add the codes and walla 🙂

    so u want it to work for search and category too ❓

    well i like it to work for both . To make ieat work for search room just use this instead of current one :

    hWnd = FindWindow("atl:0053d390", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(hWnd, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    syslistview = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "syslistview32", vbNullString)
    hWndlvw = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, syslistview, "syslistview32", vbNullString)

    I tested it . It worked !!! For example if u have 10 rooms in u search i want it to go to each one of the room and post a massage and come out and would be nice to have some sort of error traping for example if there was miss in posting or joining a room.

    Loco i wonder why u use this part 😕

    Call GetPalWindow2
    Text2.Text = strWindowTitle

    i tried it without that and it worked too. Is there any reason to have that ? such as speed or stablity?

    Furthermore, do u know how to click the single Join button at the bottom instead of direct link clicking ? THat join button is good one because it will not produce any room load addss! I tried diffrenet things and i could not click it !!! 😡 😡


    thas the question i wanna know lol, will see 8)


    @Admin wrote:

    thas the question i wanna know lol, will see 8)

    loco i hope we find out how to click the join button instead of direct room clicking . Also could answer this question of mine about using this part:

    Call GetPalWindow2
    Text2.Text = strWindowTitle

    i tried it without that and it worked too. Is there any reason to have that ? such as speed or stablity?


    I gonna try it but so far i havent being able to make it with the join buttom. its weird i when i selected it dont become visible 🙄

    bout the getpalwindow, well you dont really have too but is good to have it cause some windows may have the same handle, like lets say if you send text to a particul room and u open pms, it may also starts sending text to the pm 🙂


    loco could u or any one else convert this code to visual c++ too . I need it for one the project that can be done ONLY by visual c++ so i be hppy if u guys convert it to visual c++ too.Thanks


    Ah I dont know much bout c++ yet, I think nano may 🙂 lets hope


    convert what code guys??? almost loco’s programms for paltalk i can do it in mfc


    but the select nick with position like loco posted in other post with vb6 i cannot figure it out in mfc. i dont know why it does not work


    I think i’m drunk lol, yeah this topic is highligth nick on paltalk room 😆

    Method if you want to know how send text to pt room or get text chat in mfc, I can give u an example.


    @nanomachine007 wrote:

    I think i’m drunk lol, yeah this topic is highligth nick on paltalk room 😆

    Method if you want to know how send text to pt room or get text chat in mfc, I can give u an example.

    Man thank u for your offer . Well it would be nice if u convert the nick higlight to MFC since i realy need it badly. As far as sending and reciving text it would not hurt learning them since i realy want to learn visual c++ too.Looking forward for all 3 of them ! 😆 😆 😆


    I have problem with convert it to mfc, it does not work when i try it, it unselect and not select. dont know what wrong with my code. instead of select , it does unselect hehehe. here is my code. maybe we can solve it together

    HWND listview=NULL; // List View identifier
    HWND parent,child;
    parent = ::FindWindow("My Window Class",NULL);
    child =::FindWindowEx(parent,0,"WTL_SplitterWindow",NULL);
    child =::FindWindowEx(child,0,"WTL_SplitterWindow",NULL);
    child =::FindWindowEx(child,0,"WTL_SplitterWindow",NULL);
    child =::FindWindowEx(child,0,"ATL:0053C8D0",NULL);
    LVITEM lvi, *_lvi;
    unsigned long pid;
    HANDLE process;
    GetWindowThreadProcessId(listview, &pid);
    _lvi=(LVITEM*)VirtualAllocEx(process, NULL, sizeof(LVITEM), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
    lvi.mask = LVIF_STATE;
    lvi.state = true;
    lvi.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED;
    WriteProcessMemory(process, _lvi, &lvi, sizeof(LVITEM), NULL);
    ::SendMessage(listview, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)_lvi);
    VirtualFreeEx(process, _lvi, 0, MEM_RELEASE);


    that dam code unselect the item you want to select heheheh, it’s funny. i have no idea what’s wrong with that code

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