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Why there is no major crack programs for paltalk?

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  • #176234

    w Respect to admins and senior users, why dont we have a major program here except paltalk color. by serious programs I mean like color nick, whisper reader, admin code crackers:) is that because its dangerous to post them or because they are not available? 👿

    Thank You :pb:


    To begin with the site does not support [rules:12ckbnhq]Hacking & Cracking[/rules:12ckbnhq].
    Second, just because you want those kind of program does not mean there are any, nor it is at possible to make them. Paltalk developers may not always do things the best way they can be done, but they are not stupid.


    This website always gave me tools to have fun with. I was just curious if there are programs out there that only you guys have:) I did figure out loco gets in trouble every time there is a hack or crack paltalk posted here. U also mentioned that paltalk developer are not stupid. isnt why this website exist , to show that there smarter people than them?? 😈

    Anyways, Im grateful that we have some stuff to have fun with 😉


    Well you question is very broad, because there is a big diffrence between cracking a program and hacking the program, hacking the program would require you gain access to the server software which non of us here have attempted to do that I know of, And then there is cracking a program which would require the prgrammer to change paltalk code to suit what they want to achive, What your asking for with admin codes and real colour nickname would mean hacking the servers and with that means ripping off money from from paltalk (for the colour nicks) and there is great risk in doing that even if it was possiable to do I dont think people would be stupid enough to do that. But there are some “cracked” paltalk versions around one of wich I have done, And with these modifyed versions of paltalk we change the code in paltalk to suit our needs, Streaming cams use to be one of them untill paltalk did the check server side which mean paltalk server would need to be hacked to gain streaming cams for free, Also We have custom colour nicknames which paltalk code has been modifyed to read a database for the rgb colour. This ofcause would only be viewable by people using the same modifyed version of paltalk, And ofcause the latest crack was to included an antiban/antibounce system built inside the modifyed paltalk. But paltalk has gotten on to this now and has made some more checks server side. So yeah I guess it would have been better to keep the antiban feature to our selfs and not included it to the paltalk that way paltalk would’nt know about and they would’nt have fixed it.

    To sum it all up there is only so much we can change with paltalk before we need to hack there servers which I dont intend to do any time soon even if I knew how(which I dont) and i would’nt take the risk of jail.


    @sambala wrote:

    U also mentioned that paltalk developer are not stupid. isnt why this website exist , to show that there smarter people than them??

    Not at all. If paltalk don’t find s feature worth development, it doesn’t mean they are not smart. There are financial and management deciosions.
    Other messangers has a build it feature that allow developers develop add-ons they find useful or fun. Paltalk don’t have this, but it still allow (by the way it is programmed) to develop tools for it, and as long they are not harmfull or against the Terms Of Use they won’t fight it, though they don’t recommend using them, or encaurage development as well.

    As for bans, it’s almost a lost battle. There is no real way to work around them other than allow users on by some kind of identifiable means, and that’s not a possibility if they want many users to use it. What they do to my best understanding is hide a lot of hidden ban features that they activate as others get known. So it will remain a cat and mouse game.


    its means they have eyes on us…or this site…hell they r damn smart 🙄

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