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Paltalk Activation Killer

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  • #183674

    you all have been the activation thingy in paltalk (the screen that asking you to verify your nickname by e-mail)
    well, I could make a small program that you run when you get this verify pop up, and you can keep using paltalk without verifying/activating your nickname

    the following pic illusrate what I am talking about:

    Note: I sent it to loco and he will test it and let you know how it works…


    i dunno how you plain on being able to bypass that but i guess you can try proving me wrong i had a few ideals about that myself but the failed….


    well, it was yesterday, that I tried to sign in with a new nick name and it asked me for the 4 digits, and I entered the false e-mail, and the nick name was a good one, so I decide to break that thing, so I did it, but I know it is easy for paltalk to stop it, if they know how it works, so maybe I will share with trusted people, or with people that loyal and really into using it, just to keep it working as long as possible, but I can send you the one I sent for loco and you can try


    they only want you to confrim for 2 reason so they know what email to ban and so they know what email to spam…


    hmm i dont think this is really in need of a program since whenever i log into my Vicodin name i get that
    n i juss hit Update email
    type in email n the window closes n paltalk still runs
    u can use different emails cuz it will keep closing that window with whatever you use


    @Crashypoo wrote:

    hmm i dont think this is really in need of a program since whenever i log into my Vicodin name i get that
    n i juss hit Update email
    type in email n the window closes n paltalk still runs
    u can use different emails cuz it will keep closing that window with whatever you use

    true, this is how you can get ride it of that, but I am doing it in other way without entering any informations, and it is so fast with one click or even a self-detection can be done, but anyway thanks for your input


    OMG, works like a charm, thanks a lot man lol 🙂 you should make it publik lol cause this and my quickfiller would be a great tool 🙂

    Thanks man


    Hey Doddy That program will be perfect for me i needed? where can i get it ? 😆


    oki doki then, I am releasing it today, and let’s see what paltalk is going to do about it lol

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