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Paltalk music bot D – Possible improvements?

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  • #178899

    Thx for the nice Music bot Admin – Nice work!

    Just a couple of questions:

    – Do you have any plans to add commands that are similar in format and function to those found in TVK music bot from TVKsoft (i.e. !playlist !find, !add, !stat, !mark, !fav, !skip, !remove etc…), for the benefit of those who are used to that software?

    – Do you have any plans to allow for a randomized playlist (next song played randomly from the database)?



    umm i could do them, umm it actually has the find! one thos like if you type find! Keyword
    it will send songs that have the keyword included.

    the list! thing
    when they call that how does the room recieves the list, is it like 10 byt ten or all in once, cause the way i did it is if someone type list and the admin created a list and upladed toa server the bot would send the url to the list 🙂
    but if there a betta way i do it 🙂

    the add! thing well thas gonna be tricky cause tvk is different with mines in that regards cause tvk has a list then he ads then to another playlist lol i only have one playlist i can try but that would talk losts of coding 🙂

    ahh i give it a shot anyways.

    one thing if you got time whas the cpu usage on my bot compare to tvk’s
    🙂 I ma obsess to finding out and no one tells me 🙂


    On my laptop, turning the visualization off brings the CPU usage down from the 40-50% range to the 0-10% range, so that works!

    I am on my laptop right now, it doesn’t have TVK on it, but when I get home in a couple of days, I’ll have a look and let you know.


    Here is the verdict: On my desktop at home TVK and MusicBot-D (with visualization on or off) use up the same amount of CPU (0-2%).

    My laptop runs on XP-SP1, my desktop on XP-SP2.

    I think I found a bug: MusicBot will not unload itself from memory when you exit (you have to be connected to a room to make this happen), so you will have multiple instances of it running if you exit and re-execute the program a few times.



    Pikachule1, thanks alot 🙂 thas some great info, aigh the multiple instances should be an easy fix so thas should be solve in the next update and also new feature i be adding to it.

    🙂 thanks


    I run a classical music room that is essentially open 24/7
    it is called “Classical Music For One and All”

    OK so i have been working on this all day…
    the regular commands seem to work but the admin command dont work from other puters.

    we work with 3 seperate puters and only one would accept admin commands from listed admins who were in the room.
    running paltalk 8.3 build 122 on xp sp2
    Also it would be great to improve the playlist editor. The way it is now i cant add an entire folder or sub-folders OR re-order the files once they are in the playlist.
    Also how about a way to easily import from windows media player’s playlist?
    I hope this reaches you. The music bot is such a great addition to the stable of pgms for paltalk.


    umm, does the nick in the admins list iw written in the same format like capital letters and stuff, 🙂 although it shouldn matter i got to check it aigh about the add all in a foleder list thats something i have in mind when I gonna add that feture for sure 🙂

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